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#91809 Setti's death

Posted by OficirNiko on 27 September 2013 - 09:22 AM

And the year 2013 marks my prophecy to become a reality. Not suprised to say the least.

A must say this is a good example of 1% vs 99%. System collapses, cuz the majority gets smarter and the minority clings to control it wants. Go figure.


Tried my best to explain the problem back when we could cure the disease (as the biatch pointed out). But hey that wasn't important, cuz in short-term we were having a blast. But in the long-term.... I and many others saw the downfall of the community. But the ego charachter of the community prospered until it's peak. Can't remember when that was? I do remember when did the epilog started. My guess would be the day DeD2 server only "was released". At that point i saw, that was The End.

#91772 Setti's death

Posted by Gringo13 on 24 September 2013 - 11:18 PM

So I was bored and came to the "old" setti site to see what's going on, ofc it's a ghost town. So I read some recent posts and funny thing ppl still think they can bring setti back from the abyss. Let me tell how this came to be (my point of view anyway):


I started playing here when setti was about 2 or 3 years old. It was great, server was full 20/7, players had great sense of humor and the gameplay was challenging. This was about 7 years ago and even at that time you could sense things were going to shit. You see the server was infected with a disease called Perplexer. It was almost always present so the server barely got any time to heal. The players fought it all the time but the disease had great power and little could be done. So they asked setti's keepers Ghost and k1ller for help. They didn't listen or didn't care. Years past and in one moment in time k1ller and Ghost acknowledged the players and decided to cure the server of the disease. Players rejoiced it was a good time to play on setti. However the disease begged for mercy. It begged k1ller and Ghost for return of its power and in return it promised the control of the server and protection from viruses (cheaters). In their ignorance, pride and confidence in their power they let the disease back in. Most of the players gave in and decided to enjoy the game and the server's community. They did their best to ignore the disease but over time it consumed them. They started to fight it and in the process they were slowly losing the desire to play the game. So one by one they started to leave the server. But the community was huge and strong and would have lasted several years more had it not been for the Update. It had cut off most of the strong players from the server. Setti tried to keep up but the update was too fast. A lot of players grew out of the habit of playing on setti and didn't see the point since the disease was still present. When setti finally caught up it was a little too late. Most of the old players left but new players took their place. Unfortunately these were a bunch of cocky little bitches (fortunately not all). At around the same time setti expanded. The last nail in the coffin. An already shattered community was spread thin. And slowly it didn't feel like a community anymore. As if this wasn't enough new players started throwing out crazy suggestions and to all our surprise the keepers took them into account. And thus setti slowly faded away until only de_dust2  was still populated. Regardless of the old players' warnings the keepers didn't nothing (they had a new toy which produced a lot of income). Playing one map over and over again drove players crazy and with the disease still present and running wild even the new players started to leave. At the end there was nothing more to control so even the disease moved on. What it left behind was but a dead husk.


A little bedtime story for ya folks.


Btw if any of the old players ( that is not you Marioc) still visit this site leave a note.

#82543 Setti Main Server

Posted by Sculder on 07 January 2013 - 08:47 PM

I mangled a few thoughts on what's going on at the moment.


Two days ago I banned a wallhacker and a teamkiller. And some random admin "greek noob prpa Style" that was probably M4noob or whatever his name is. Yes, the one who got auto banned by system for using bhop scripts. I wonder what else he had there. Anyways, he said he will remove the bans cause "me and headhunterz trying to talk with people not just ban". At saturday evening there was literally only bots left and wallhacker 3v3. bots_vs_tk_wh momomonster tournament.


All this effort in cosmetics like SM plugin that doesn't changed a thing. All I see is same dust2 just with less players with less brains. Recommendations to leave one main server are ignored. Which I believe could attract more skilled players like masterx, mellekko, zbang, burek, breezer maybe even Gen or b00bs. But hunt0rz so deep in Ghosts ass that he doesn't see the light anymore. Trend to use CAPS writing down nick is increasing. There is even one guy at forums who uses bold text (always) and his nick all caps. Scares me. Fresh nubadmins bans 5 year old regular cause he said something in chat. The same players who made threads "banned for no reason" not long ago themselves.


There is new players who can tell the difference from up and down. Greets to Milky, FakeDeath and Joker. Who are better than good. But I guess they're getting old now:) Most players are a joke.


Think I had enough of dust2 in my life.

#6948 Baned again and again

Posted by Nemes on 24 June 2010 - 05:44 PM

You all will get pwnd by Perplexer, hahahahhaha.

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#72866 Giving up my Admin Activities on Setti

Posted by ducky on 05 September 2012 - 10:07 PM

Good choice Phoenix, get out of this sinking ship and pursue real life endeavours or maybe a different alternate reality. We know who profits from Setti and everyone else are just little bugs and puppets my friend.

On topic of sinking I remembered this:

P.S.: I can't believe it, its been a while since I was nice and not demeaning to someone in this forum. :P

#71415 Maybe it is time to do something? Ghost and k1ller?

Posted by Rafy on 06 August 2012 - 02:32 PM

The tournament is the only way to unite people and pro players here on setti, to increase online and having more fun then we always do...
They can do it for example once a month or smth.. To let people comunicate with each other and that will be very nice..

#71413 Maybe it is time to do something? Ghost and k1ller?

Posted by Rafy on 06 August 2012 - 02:00 PM


Im writing this message for the main admins of setti k1ller and Ghost.. Guyz i have been playing here for a long time and i can say that maybe 1-2 years before setti was the most popular server with good admins and i saw a lot help from moderators here on forum... But for now the situation is kind of bad? Dont u think of it? Dont you think that a lot of pro players got banned or just left setti because of some admins or just childish behavior? Before the setti DM server was one on which there were a lot of players training and that stuff, practising and then coming to Pub3 and becoming more and more trained.. But for now the only servers that are alive is Pub3 and Pub4 , rarely Custom maps.. And setti DM server is still not works..

In my opinion just look "suggestions" there are a lot of good stuff .. And you know, still players on setti are trying to give some ideas to improve it , to become more and more popular, and that is very good, cause they still think that setti is the only server on which they can play for now.. As for me i found it before and i will not leave it...

Maybe im wrong or just wrote some shit as the others admin will think now, just write ur opinion here.. And you can see now how the others admins can reply here.. As before you can read my 2 request becoming an admin, you can see there how the admins can answer the normal player.. Phrase such as "you are an idiot" "fucking noob" and that stuff..


#71389 DDoSing setti server & forum

Posted by Rafy on 05 August 2012 - 06:25 PM

Just report the tool.  He's obviously after attention, so let the police give him all he wants.  Maybe he'll get some personal attention from Bubba in the prison showers too :P

lmfao, let him think maybe he likes that :D

#71382 DDoSing setti server & forum

Posted by Heady on 05 August 2012 - 05:30 PM

Well now we can take legal steps. He Cosmin, you know that you can go to jail for DDoS attacks?


Oh shit, it wasn't just DDoS'ing! You also tried to blackmail us.

Blackmailing: Up to 10 years jail
DDoS: Up to 5 years jail.

#70893 Maybe an unban request

Posted by Perplexer on 23 July 2012 - 01:28 PM

Wow you're so retarded that I will file a world record request to Guiness committee as I have found the most retarded douchebag in the world.

I will not touch an admin, be it k1ller or Mamut or B.U.G or whoever else. That's obvious, idiot, and it doesn't have to do with any asslicking.

I will reveal a secret for you. It is actually called asslicking, you moron.

Hehe, I can tell you're new around here. You will undoubtedly go through a lot more pain before you know how I roll. LOL

#70886 Maybe an unban request

Posted by Perplexer on 23 July 2012 - 12:02 PM

gangSta, I don't mind your whining. You're just a pissant to me. In the end it's up to you to decide whether you want to play the game properly or end up banned. I just wrote my post above to help you with some guidelines.

mellekoko, I am perfectly happy to rush with players who know how to play. You're obviously not one of them. I often also rush in vain and die for nothing so after that I camp, like 90% of players 90% of the time. But like I said, I only ban them if at least 5 or 6 of us decide to start teamworking and try to make something of the usually boring rounds. You should also know by now that I will not touch an admin, be it k1ller or Mamut or B.U.G or whoever else. That's obvious, idiot, and it doesn't have anything to do with asslicking. I don't differentiate between players. I will treat you "regular" idiot the same way I treat a random noob that just connected to the server for the first time. It goes the same for you. If you fuck up at the wrong time (when we as a team are trying to work together) I will kick/ban you from the game as well. Something tells me that already happened, otherwise you woundn't be here whining. Haha. Noob.

Then again, that's just me. You may have a better time playing (camping & fucking around) while some other admin is on-line instead of me. Good for you then.

#70882 Maybe an unban request

Posted by gangSta on 23 July 2012 - 10:57 AM

30 years?! He isn't even 12 according to his behavior.

#70864 Maybe an unban request

Posted by ducky on 22 July 2012 - 10:13 PM

I wrote a long reply, but decided that it was futile to post it.

Reason being Perplexer's perception of the world. His views about the game are not going to change, so you noobs crying just amuse him and every "Perplexer is a retarded ignorant faggot" post ads a little bit to his self-esteem.
Perplexer is now what? 29-30 years old, I don't remember - his behavior resemble a little child.

I propose the following for you all:
Take away his power by abusing you by just not giving a fuck. Don't write threads about him, don't flame him, forget he ever existed.

This won't work obviously, but some food for thought.

#70829 Maybe an unban request

Posted by mellekko on 22 July 2012 - 11:35 AM

If we rush and sacrifice our lives to plant the bomb and you camp and don't help us, then you are useless and can be banned. We don't need campers. I will not always ban campers but if we spam chat with messages like RUSH A and it is obvious we are trying to play as a team then you should play with us. Of course noobs mostly don't realize what's going on and they are the ones who end up banned without any clue what just happened. Obviously explaining things and reasons to them is a waste of time and that's why I ignore their posts. They will grow more brain cells in time and understand it all eventually.

there are 2 problems here:
1. over the years "CAMPING" has become synonim of "perplexer"
2. stop using the word "we" because those rules apply only when you spam the chat with "rush x" messages. I havent seen you listen to some1 else's "rush x" messages (except k1ller's - obviously you are an ass licker)

If we say "BOMB IS AT B" or "RUSH B" then obviously the bomber must rush to B with us and plant bomb. If 10 players rush to B and secure the bombsite and the bomber goes to A and dies there, it means we basically lost the round. Such a stupid bomber can be banned. Especially when we are trying to have a teamworking game. There is nothing more frustrating than you killing 5 enemies and clearing a bombsite and the bomber is on the other side of the map camping. Idiots can play on other servers.

i seriously doubt it you know what "teamworking" means. here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teamwork

This is absolutely deadly. I permban people for that, I really do! If I slay you and you then TK me next round, you basically permban yourself right there. Nothing more to add. Save youself a lot of trouble and don't do it! Not to me, not to anyone else!

spooky peppy - i am so scared you are going to ban me for teamkilling you after you slay me, especially when i playing for the opposite team ...

you seriously made me laugh with this post... it showed what a stupid egocentric f*ck you are

#70817 Maybe an unban request

Posted by Perplexer on 21 July 2012 - 08:50 PM

You are of course entitled to your own opinion. I however don't care about it since I consider you a noob. Likewise, you are free to open your own server and admin it as you see fit.