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Отправлено 01 April 2012 - 08:27 PM

İ do not recieve a ban error but i dont understand why cant i connect to setti servers sometimes i can connect only global offensive server but sometimes
it is not available too...I do not understand what the problem is the screen stays on "Connecting server" window and two tabs get filled and then i get
connection failed after 4 retries
I was connecting 2 days ago now i cant
I have tried to reset my modem
I have tried to reinstall the game
I have tried to cut my net connection and after that i opened the game, tried to connect and i opened the net connection
nothing happened

Please help

Отправлено 28 December 2011 - 01:43 PM

Just tried, still banned :(

I appreciate the help though :D


Отправлено 28 December 2011 - 07:44 AM

Try now.

Отправлено 27 December 2011 - 11:37 PM

Well I don't remember being banned... As far as I know I've no reason to get banned. I used to play on that server with my laptop and since summer 2011 I can't. I don't know exactly why this happened. I always just let it slip because once I got vote-banned from a server and the admin of that server said that those bans only last 100 hours or something, so I figured that my ban was temporary, but now I think it's permanent.

All I know is that the ban is not user-name related, nor is it IP related, since I use the same username on my desktop and it can connect just fine. I guess I'll ask the headadmins for aid.

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it :)


Отправлено 27 December 2011 - 10:03 PM

If the ban is set longer than 1 month ago, normal people cannot review the demo recorded by Setti's SourceTV
Only headadmins can help you now.
On the bottom of settis website you can see who is a head admin and who is not.
I also highly doubt its because of the ip, was it a ban set ingame from one second to another by an admin, or weren't you able to join a server after some time?

Отправлено 27 December 2011 - 07:25 PM

I'm still banned. :( Found any info as to why? I really liked the No AWP server and my desktop still isn't working :(

Отправлено 21 December 2011 - 06:38 PM

[color=#282828]1) Approximate date/time of ban -- I don't know. I'm guessing some time early summer, so I'll go with June 2011?
[color=#282828]2) Server name -- Setti CSS Server (Pub #4 NO-AWP) (
[color=#282828]3) Map name -- Don't remember, I think maybe de_dust2?
[color=#282828]4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server) -- I use Setti's non-steam: # 618 "Rolaaaaaand :D" STEAM_0:0:930080971 01:00 93 0 active
I JUST played on the normal setti server as Rolaaaaaand :D. It was running de_dust.
[color=#282828]5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com[color=#282828]) --
[color=#282828]6) Nick when you got banned -- Rolaaaaaand :D (or Roland.malta, but most likely the first one)
[color=#282828]7) Admin's name who banned you -- No idea.

[color=#282828]Anyway but like I said, my desktop (which uses the same IP and nick) can play on it.

[color=#282828]Thanks very much for the help :D


Отправлено 21 December 2011 - 04:42 AM

1) Approximate date/time of ban
2) Server name
3) Map name
4) SteamID ("status" command in console when connected to any server)
5) IP (http://www.ip-adress.com)
6) Nick when you got banned
7) Admin's name who banned you

Also, I think I got banned because I tried joining the server with my laptop when my desktop was already connected (so 2 connections with the same IP). Could this be the cause?

I doubt this is the cause. I've played setti plenty of times with 3 same IPs connected, my two brothers and myself. If you want to be unbanned, first of all, be patient, and then supply setti admins with the info i have asked above. Setti leader and admins have lives too and you must help them.

Отправлено 20 December 2011 - 11:02 PM

Hey guys, I'm a loyal Setti player. I've been playing (on and off) for a few years now... My laptop got banned from the No AWP server on CSS. My desktop PC can still connect and play just fine. I'm a good team player and I'm sure some of you will have seen me before. I also played as "Roland.malta" for a while.

Anyway, can you unban me? My desktop is having problems recently :(

Also, I think I got banned because I tried joining the server with my laptop when my desktop was already connected (so 2 connections with the same IP). Could this be the cause?

email: therolandvl@hotmail.com

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