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Ответ на [Counter Strike Source] Is that a way to launch the missiles?

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Отправлено 20 November 2011 - 07:45 PM

There is a keypad at the missiles, after you enter correct code you will hear unlock sound, then you just press that another "keyboard" below (textured with ugly HL1 texture :D) and missiles will launch after countdown.
I changed some shit in new version, need to do some final touches for RC version.

M4Andreas (GR NOOB)

Отправлено 20 November 2011 - 07:35 PM

in the map DE_SCUD_PRO
If you jump in the water well on the Counter Terrorist Spawn, and swin till the end, you'll appear on a room with a monitor that says the access password for launch the missiles is 4863, but where should i input this code, or is possible to really launch the missiles?
thanks in advance!

Logically you can put this code where missiles are. (in plant side) As i remember there is a keypad there.Let's wait boobz to respond! :gun:


Отправлено 20 November 2011 - 07:24 PM

I and puq managed to launch them about a year ago! :)


Отправлено 20 November 2011 - 07:08 PM

Hahaha... I never knew the codes are hidden in there. 8-) I've seen b00bs launching the missiles a couple times. Try it some time :gun:

Отправлено 20 November 2011 - 07:02 PM

in the map DE_SCUD_PRO
If you jump in the water well on the Counter Terrorist Spawn, and swin till the end, you'll appear on a room with a monitor that says the access password for launch the missiles is 4863, but where should i input this code, or is possible to really launch the missiles?
thanks in advance!

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