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GMOD Standalone no servers???

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#21 Guest_suggestion

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Posted 03 December 2010 - 12:06 PM

I'm sorry, did not say anything because there's nothing giving defect...

I can join any server (from settilist and other places), open one (and people can join it), add to favorites, the lan list section is ok and I'm not receiving any error msg.

This is my rev.ini config: http://www.mediafire...mrkmjo6bly3b5rv

I'm using these GCF versions:

garrysmod content.gcf ------------------------ v.109
multiplayer ob binaries.gcf ------------------ v.85
source 2007 shared materials.gcf -------- v.5
source 2007 shared models.gcf ----------- v.0
source 2007 shared sounds.gcf ----------- v.0
source materials.gcf --------------------------- v.8
source models.gcf ------------------------------ v.4
source sounds.gcf ------------------------------ v.4

And RevEmu 27/11/2010, the latest one after 9.8.3.

Some Screen shots:


And I think I'm doing something retarded to make it happen.

Ty 4 your attention.

#22 Ghost



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Posted 03 December 2010 - 12:51 PM


Are you also playing cs1.6? The queries to the masterserver show that the game requests normal cstrike servers.

Here's something that could work:

Change in masterservers.vdf and mastersrever2.vdf (or only in the other if you don't have both) the port 27010 to 27011 in the hl1 section. Then remove or change to some other port the hl2 section. The point is that the gmod should contact the hl2 masterserver instead of the hl1 masterserver.

PS. RevEmu maybe big problem. I've been told that it's got hard coded Setti masterserver address and the masterservers.vdf files don't have any effect on the settings. That's why if it is possible for you to somehow NOT use revemu it would be useful. Using RevEmu brings so much uncertainty to the normal game procedure. There are other similar small problems in revemu. Nobody is fixing or developing the revemu anymore, so it kind of sucks big time.

#23 Guest_suggestion (xalalau)

Guest_suggestion (xalalau)
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Posted 03 December 2010 - 04:58 PM

I guess RevEmu still being developed by bir3yk in csmania:

** I just find it in this topic:

Возможно ли добавить в steamclient выбор откуда получать список серверов setti или valve master server ?
Google Translator:
Is it possible to add steamclient choose from to get a list of servers setti or valve master server?

в setti хватает ломанных серверов, а вот в вальвовских черт ногу сломит 2-3 % на которые сможете зайти оно вам надо?, так что если держите нон-стим сервер, проблемы не должно составить зарегистрироваться на setti, ну а если сервера там нет добавьте в избранное.
Google Translator:
in short broken lines setti servers, but in valvovskih features a leg break of 2-3% which can go into it you want? ", so if you hold a non-Steam server, the problem may have been the sign for setti, but if the server is not there, add to your favorites.

It's crazy here because in truth I only speak Portuguese and I don't even really know if these lines say what I read. =B
I am just trying to help and be helped anyway...

I did the changes in both Masterserver and Masterserver2 and tested in "./bin/config" and "./garrysmod/platform/config"
No effect.

Does anyone know any emulator that can replaces RevEmu? I only know Steamemu, AVSEMU and one that has not been released, steam006emu...

AVSEMU - http://s006.freeforu...mu-1-3-t11.html
Steamemu - http://forum.csmania...hp?f=21&t=18810

Maybe changing the emulator is my only option for now.

Just for note:
  • The problem:
    This post is about troubles with the combination Garry's Mod Nonsteam + RevEmu 27/11/2010 + Setti servers MasterServer installation.
  • Possible cause:
    Ghost said:
    RevEmu maybe big problem. I've been told that it's got hard coded Setti masterserver address and the masterservers.vdf files don't have any effect on the settings.
  • A solution:
    Change your Steam Emulator.

#24 Guest_suggestion (xalalau)

Guest_suggestion (xalalau)
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Posted 03 December 2010 - 05:14 PM

I have not addressed these two older emulators:
OpenEmu - disappeared
HookEmu - http://www.cs.rin.ru...hp?f=31&t=44416

#25 Ghost



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Posted 03 December 2010 - 08:24 PM

Thanks. Good research.

Try if you can see Gmod servers now. I Boosted all listed Gmod servers :thumbup: One of the problems in revemu is that it doesn't show all the servers that Setti sends. It's somehow that it drops every 2nd or 2/3 of the server list packets. It also sends about 2-3x too much data during the server list requests. It's weird.

Now the Gmods are Boosted so you will get the Gmod servers in the first packet. It should work with faulty revemu server browser too.

#26 Guest_suggestion (xalalau)

Guest_suggestion (xalalau)
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Posted 04 December 2010 - 12:03 AM

Yea, It's weird...
Four servers were there, but when I went back and opened the game again they simply disappeared.

I could only see this 2 things:

- I was getting error when I join the server (4 attempts = fail)
- By clicking on properties I could see the players and ip normally

I guess there aren't other Steam emulators aroud internet... So i will just cry and cut my eyes with an harpoon.

#27 Guest_S!LeNt

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 08:27 PM

Do you have the latest GMod downloaded? If your version differs from the server versions then no server might be visible.

@ Other GMod players
Post instructions if you know how to get GMod working.

I know a way to get the servers in the browser!!
First, download CFToolBox and GCFBrowser (google it)
After you download those two, install both and run CFToolBox.
When you run CFToolbox, go to preferences and log in to your non-legit steam account where it says accounts.
Then go to install, look for Garry's Mod and click it.
Look at the list below and find garrysmodcontent.gcf (usually on the top of the list)
click it, and press "Download the selected GCF/NCF files"
the download will start and the file will be contained in the folder where you chose when you ran CFToolbox for the first time.
After it is downloaded, make sure that GCFExplorer is installed in your computer and go to the directory of the files.
Double click on the garrysmodcontent.gcf and a window will pop up and it will contain two folders.
Extract those two folders into the directory where your hl2.exe is. (For example, C:/Program Files/Valve/Garry's Mod) <- do not extract the two folders into the folder "garrysmod"!!
After you extract them, run the game and open the server browser.
If you are successful, servers will load (it might not load for a few times so click on refresh several times)
However, every server listed might not be setti servers. You'll have to find the cracked servers and add them as favorites.

if you have a question, contact me with hellomynameis1111@hotmail.com


#28 Guest_S!LeNt

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Posted 08 December 2010 - 09:22 PM

Do you have the latest GMod downloaded? If your version differs from the server versions then no server might be visible.

@ Other GMod players
Post instructions if you know how to get GMod working.

I know a way to get the servers in the browser!!
First, download CFToolBox and GCFBrowser (google it)
After you download those two, install both and run CFToolBox.
When you run CFToolbox, go to preferences and log in to your non-legit steam account where it says accounts.
Then go to install, look for Garry's Mod and click it.
Look at the list below and find garrysmodcontent.gcf (usually on the top of the list)
click it, and press "Download the selected GCF/NCF files"
the download will start and the file will be contained in the folder where you chose when you ran CFToolbox for the first time.
After it is downloaded, make sure that GCFExplorer is installed in your computer and go to the directory of the files.
Double click on the garrysmodcontent.gcf and a window will pop up and it will contain two folders.
Extract those two folders into the directory where your hl2.exe is. (For example, C:/Program Files/Valve/Garry's Mod) <- do not extract the two folders into the folder "garrysmod"!!
After you extract them, run the game and open the server browser.
If you are successful, servers will load (it might not load for a few times so click on refresh several times)
However, every server listed might not be setti servers. You'll have to find the cracked servers and add them as favorites.

if you have a question, contact me with hellomynameis1111@hotmail.com


looks like the update breaks the game

#29 OffereBeria



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Posted 20 April 2011 - 11:08 AM

Its still loading. Post how long you wait. If its more than 10 mins delete your garrysmod folder, try if it doesnt work re-install Gmod.
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