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Admin request for Pub #3.

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Опрос: Boynaar as admin on Pub #3 (22 пользователей проголосовали)

Do you think I should be admin on Pub #3?

  1. Yes. (9 голосов [40.91%] - Смотреть)

    Процент голосов: 40.91%

  2. No. (13 голосов [59.09%] - Смотреть)

    Процент голосов: 59.09%


#21 Boynaar



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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 12:55 AM

Sorry to say that but it's just really dumb to say something like that.

So you are saying if someone has admin privileges and sees a hacker, he should go on the forum and report the hacker? and not ban instantly? this is even not logical I guess...
I can't really understand what is dumb by saing: I mean, someone who gets privileges shoudln't report(shouldn't go to the forum and report a hacker is hacking), but check the reports(go on the forum, check the reported hackers, check the reported demos/screeshots and ban if it's really a hacker, also ban instantly if he sees a hacker hacking while playing).

You see, hackers are idiots but not all of them are dumb. If you catch one cheating, maybe he tries to hide it more in the future, ergo forcing us to spend more time on catching them.
Furthermore they are able to change their names, the only way to identify them is by steam_id. If you don't report the steam_id, they'll just come back with another name and try to hide it better.

Thanks for the tip, but what does it have to do with the stupidity(that's how you call it) of what I said?

#22 el greco

el greco


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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 09:37 AM

@ Boynaar are u going for full admin?
its either that or u have misjudged how the things work in setti
Caer estα permitido, levantarse es obligatorio

#23 IrGeNdJeMaNd-AUT


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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 12:40 PM

The meaning of this:

I mean, someone who gets privileges shouldn't report, but should check the reports

Is not that you have to report first! Ban and THEN report, it only takes 2 minutes with obvious cheaters, and don't tell me you can't spend 2 minutes on banning a cheater permanently!
Also, there are HEAD ADMINS, and LIMITED ADMINS. Limited admins can only ban for 2 hours, which makes it indispensable to report them on the forum. Then a head admin will take care of that.

Thanks for the tip, but what does it have to do with the stupidity(that's how you call it) of what I said?

Because only head admins are able to ban for more than 2 hours. But they can't unless the cheaters are reported!

#24 Boynaar



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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 02:07 PM

It looks like there is no point of making this topic and actually I understand good how things are in Setti, like you can pay to get admin powers.
This turned from "We need more admins" to "Make Boynaar an admin.".
As I said many times before, I don't care about getting admin, I will even not defence my admin request anymore.
If I want to be admin, I would make a request talking about me only, this request is more a "get an admin" then "make me an admin".
It's just always wrong when people fight or ask for powers, some people can't handle powers, those people get harmed a lot by the powers they get.
Obviously, Setti would be lucky by making me an admin, because I can handle powers.

I will lock this topic, I hope setti will get more admins, admins who are in the late night online.

One more thing, I kinda like it that most of the no-voters are people I always own xD, some of them told me before I was a cheater xD and some of them think that I think they are cheaters xD

#25 Boynaar



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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 02:11 PM

Sorry for double post...
I guess you can't lock your own topics on this forum...

#26 prpa



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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 03:59 PM


reason: noob

#27 IrGeNdJeMaNd-AUT


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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 05:28 PM

1. Nobody pays for admin rights, it annoys everybody if anyone claims that.
2. Saying:"Setti would be lucky by making me an admin" does not enhances the feeling inside me to help you get your admin privileges
3. The no-voters are at least Setti's regulars. That means that they play fairly often on our servers. This does not mean that they are pissed because you own them, but they would not like it to see you as an admin. For instance, i am a no-voter, just because you come with opinions and arguments which I do not approve of.

#28 Boynaar



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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 09:52 PM

1. Nobody pays for admin rights, it annoys everybody if anyone claims that.

That is what is told to me while playing ones, it was like a year ago or something, I asked an admin about how he got admin and he said he paid for it. I don't remember who it was and even when...

2. Saying:"Setti would be lucky by making me an admin" does not enhances the feeling inside me to help you get your admin privileges

Actually it's pretty funny but I said on many job interviews "You will regret it if you don't take me." and "You would be lucky if I work here.", I am now working at McDonalds for 1,5 year, I am a co-manager, on my job interview I said "I am actually the best worker you can hire, you would be lucky if I work here." ^^
This is the life you live in my friend, you should always say what you think and that is what I think about my skills and knowledge. And I say it again: Setti would be lucky by making me an admin.
I believe the best sentence to explain my way of working and the way I take things serious is that sentence.

3. The no-voters are at least Setti's regulars. That means that they play fairly often on our servers. This does not mean that they are pissed because you own them, but they would not like it to see you as an admin.

I bet I am a more regular player then 90% of the all the voters on this poll. Not only that, I am also since a long time on setti, I don't even remember since when, I guess since the update of V34...
About people who would not like to see me as an admin, it is maybe true, but I started this request because of 2 reasons: some people(I dont rememeber how much, like 3 or 4) said to me while playing in the late nights I should be an admin, it is actually like someone told me to request for admin because there is never an admin online in the late nights and some other people said like "yeah you should" etc...
The second reason is: Because I seriously get irretated when some asshole comes and hacks and cheats all the night and no one can do anything, this problem seriously asks for a solution. As you can see now, the solution is not me, then get an another solution...

#29 Boynaar



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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 09:59 PM


reason: noob

Actually I likeD you ^^
Good to know that you think I am a noob...
Maybe I am, at least I can't say what is noob or what is pro.
But I am pretty sure I am better then the average people ^^

EDIT: made the "d" in "liked" a capital letter. And sorry for double post again :(

#30 ducky


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Отправлено 13 May 2012 - 11:11 PM

k1ller and Ghost are too busy getting cash money $$$, that a reply is unlikely Boynaar. Only active admins are Lemming (don't think he has the rights though) and Perpfatso (won't move his finger anyway).

Given that, I still enjoy some trolling, you guys write how important is to report cheaters in here. Some of the cheaters mentioned there are regulars by now.
Thats futile as me writing this (oh the irony), google "change steam ID nonsteam" and you get the ideia - change your MAC adress in regedit or using a programm if you can't and you're set. New steam ID with 2 clicks. I haven't tried this to change steam ID, because I have steam, but pretty sure its easy.

You can only keep the cheaters away by banning them on the spot. Who cares if he can't spot careful cheaters? Those are just like regular people with a small edge - you want to stop the blatant ones..

P.S.: He bans prpa or HUNTER or some other pubstar, that ban lasts 2 hours, nobody cares.

#31 Marioc



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Отправлено 14 May 2012 - 09:40 PM

Shall we lock this?

#32 Boynaar



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Отправлено 14 May 2012 - 09:47 PM

Yep, there is no point posting on it anymore.

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