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Setti SRCDS Manager

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#1 SNiPY


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Posted 27 February 2013 - 01:52 PM

Manual installation of a CS:S/CS:GO server via commands can be boring and time consuming.
Setti SRCDS Manager will help you install your own server with less effort.
- Friendly GUI.
- All in One (installer, updater, verifier, uninstaller and launcher).
- Addons tab (install/update addons)
- Post-Install script (automatically execute command(s) after installing an addon).
- Saves installation path in registry.
- Supports CS:S and CS:GO.
In future updates, the following features may be added:

- Patching tab for automated patching process.
- Multiple server installations per game.
- ???
This application requires .NET Framework 4.5 to be installed on your machine.
In case you don't have it yet, you can download it from Microsoft:

Setti SRCDS Manager v1.7.2.2 (365 KB):
SteamCMD (756 KB): Link
Official download link by VALVe.


Attached File  server.cfg.rar   5K   354 downloads (preconfigured server.cfg file for CS:S server)


RevEmu for Windows server v16.10.2020 (19.9 MB):

mega.png uploaded.png

Getting Started
1. Make a folder somewhere in your HDD and name it e.g. "updater".
NOTE: Don't make the folder under "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)".
That way, you will avoid permission issues from the above applications.
2. Extract and put Setti SRCDS Manager and SteamCMD in there.
3. Run Setti SRCDS Manager.

Installing Game Server
1. Click on the "Manage" tab.
2. Select the game for which you want to make a server.
3. Click the "INSTALL" button and select the installation folder.
NOTE: Avoid "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)" as mentioned before.
4. Click "OK" and let the application install the server for you.
Installing MetaMod & SourceMod
1. Click on the "Addons" tab.
2. Select "MetaMod" from the available addons list.
3. Go here and copy the link for the latest stable build of MetaMod for Windows: https://www.sourcemm...p?branch=stable
4. Go back to Setti SRCDS Manager and paste the link in the URL textbox.

5. Copy the following commands and paste them in the post-install script textbox:

xcopy /s /y .\*.* ..\
rmdir /s /q ..\update

6. Click the "EDIT" button and then the "INSTALL" button.

7. Select "SourceMod" from the available addons list.
8. Go here and copy the link for the latest stable build of SourceMod for Windows: https://www.sourcemo...p?branch=stable
9. Repeat steps 4-6.
NOTE: Every now and then visit the above links so you check for new version of MetaMod and SourceMod. If there is any, repeat steps 1-7.
NOTE: You can create and save other plugins if you like. Select the blank option from the available addons list, fill the textboxes and finally click the "CREATE" button.

NOTE: You can also make post-install scripts for your addons, which will be executed after the addons are downloaded and extracted (optional).



Patching (optional)

1. Extract RevEmu_Windows_server_v16.10.2020.rar somewhere in your pc.

2. Open the "server" folder of RevEmu pack.

3. Copy everything and paste them in the root folder of your server(s).

4a. For the CSGO server(s) only, open the "steam_appid.txt" file with notepad.

4b. Change the "240" value with "730".

NOTE: You have to patch your server(s) only after the initial installation and after each time your verify the server files. It is not needed after updating.


Basic Configuring
1. Go in the root folder of your server.
2. Right click on the "run_server.bat" file and select "Edit" from the list.
3a. If it's a CS:S server, you will see the following line:
"srcds -game cstrike -console +map de_dust2 +maxplayers 10"

3b. If it's a CS:GO server, you will see the following line:
srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_dust2

4a. You can set the blue parts as you like.
+map (the map your server will start with)
+maxplayers (sets the max players that can connect to your server, CS:S only)
+mapgroup (the group of maps your server will be running, "gamemodes_server.txt" file configuration is needed, CS:GO only)
+game_type (0=classic, 1=arms/deathmatch, CS:GO only)
+game_mode (0=casual/race, 1=competitive/demolition, 2=deathmatch, CS:GO only)

4b. Advanced startup commands you can add (optional):
-port (use it if you want to change the default 27015 port)
-tickrate (use it if you want to change the default tickrate, e.g. -tickate 128)

NOTE: Steps 5 and 6 are for CS:S only.
5. Extract the "server.cfg" file in: [root_server_folder]\cstrike\cfg
6. Open it with notepad and edit it as you like.
7a. For CS:S go here: [root_server_folder]\cstrike\addons\sourcemod\configs
7b. For CS:GO go here: [root_server_folder]\csgo\addons\sourcemod\configs
8. Open the "admins.cfg" file with notepad.
9a. At the bottom you will find the following code:
9b. Replace it with this one:


Firewall and AntiVirus Configuration (optional)
1. Make an exception of the "srcds.exe" file in your firewall. Make one for TCP protocol and another one for UDP protocol and set "Allow connection" on both. Usually when you run your server for the first time, a window will show up by your OS for this. If not, make the exception manually.
2. Make an exception of the "srcds.exe" file in your antivirus. Set it to allow incoming connections for both TCP and UDP protocols.
Port Forwarding (optional)
1. Login your router via a browser.
2. The default port that you have to forward is 27015 for both TCP and UDP protocol.
NOTE: If you run your server on a different port, forward that port for both TCP and UDP protocol.
1. Click on the "Manage" tab.
2. Select the game for which you already have installed a server.
3. Click the "UPDATE" or "VERIFY" or "UNINSTALL" button, based on what you need to do.
NOTE: If you clicked the "UNINSTALL" button, after you confirm your action, the application will delete the entire installation folder as well as the registry key for that server.
4. Wait for the application to finish.

1. Click on the "Operate" tab.
2. Select the game for which you already have installed a server.
3a. Click on the first button to start,
3b. click on the second button to restart,
3c. or click on the third button to stop the server.

If you would like to support my work, you can do the following:
1. Rape the rep_up.png button!  :thumbsup:
2. Take a minute of your time and click on the "About" menu of the application.
3. Contact with me if you are interested in translating the application in your native language.
4. btn_donateCC_LG.gif

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#2 Water



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Posted 08 March 2013 - 05:13 PM

Why  is this 1.2 GB download total?

#3 SNiPY


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Posted 08 March 2013 - 05:31 PM

What are you trying to say? That the size is big?

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#4 mordirith



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Posted 13 March 2013 - 07:34 PM

downloading this now,will most likely test it tomorrow if i fix the problem i have with css crashes

#5 Guest_riaje

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Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:40 AM

Mediafire bug with .rar file ?

I can't download the files, please upload .torrent or other hosting ?


Thank in advance, my LAN PARTY need serveur ;)


(sorry for my english, i'm french)

#6 Heady



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 01:53 PM

The file you attempted to download is an archive that is part of a set of archives. MediaFire does not support unlimited downloads of split archives and the limit for this file has been reached. MediaFire understands the need for users to transfer very large or split archives, up to 10GB per file, and we offer this service starting at $1.50 per month.

We have informed the owner that sharing of this file has been limited and how they can resolve this issue.


Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance.

Don't know how you uploaded it, but MediaFire recognizes it as a big archive and doesn't like it. You should also upload it at Zippy or some other nice freehoster.

#7 SNiPY


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 02:02 PM

Mediafire was a good hoster when i uploaded the files. Suddenly it started playing games with the free users. Anyway. I'm uploading the files to Zippyshare.com right now.

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#8 SNiPY


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Posted 15 March 2013 - 10:07 PM

Zippyshare links have been added.

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#9 mordirith



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:10 PM

Server crashes at initializing steam libraries for secure internet server,is there any known fix for this?
I have already tried port forwarding,closing firewall and closing antivirus

#10 SNiPY


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:42 PM

Yea i checked it today. The server crashes just like the game. There is something wrong with the RevEmu (Revolution Emulator). I already have reported this to its developer, just as many other people too. Probably he will release a new version of the RevEmu soon.


I recommend you not to delete the server. Keep it in your HDD. In this way you will not have to redownload it when a solution is found.

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#11 Heady



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 11:22 PM

Yo Silent my friend, put your revemu server into trash and create a new one with LumaServerPatcher :)



LumaServerPatcher (Source) Info:
1. Copy GreenLuma.dll and GreenLuma.ini to the same folder as srcds.exe.
2. Open the bin folder and rename dedicated.dll to ValveDedicated.dll.
3. Copy the new dedicated.dll to the bin folder.



#12 SNiPY


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 09:05 AM

lol did you get haribos again?  :lol:


Well, it's a good idea but only the half part. I will use the LumaServerPatcher, but i will not create the whole server again. The reasons are two: it will take me one day to reupload it and everyone will have to redownload it. It will be painful for both sides, in my opinion.


So i will create a patch which everyone will have to download and install it to the server that already has downloaded. Would you like to take care of the installer? If you don't have free time for this it's ok, i will handle it.  :)

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#13 Heady



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Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:49 PM

Sure, I'll make an installer that also removes the revemu files ;)

#14 SNiPY


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:57 PM

Excellent!  :thumbsup:

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#15 SNiPY


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 05:43 PM

mordirith as i said on a previous post of mine, don't delete the server. I'm gonna post a patch asap. The patch files are ready. The installer is left now. headHUNTERZ is going to create it. So stay tuned. ;)

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#16 mordirith



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Posted 19 March 2013 - 04:46 PM

thanks re man,dn einai oti kegome na peksw apla etsi gia to gamoto

#17 SNiPY


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Posted 19 March 2013 - 04:53 PM

Xaxa  :lol:

Parakalw. ;)

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#18 SNiPY


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Posted 23 March 2013 - 12:31 PM

I'm gonna create a new updated version with many changes of the srcds.

headHUNTERZ seems to be bussy cause of the new client update patch, due to the crash problems it causes.

...you can achieve immortality, simply by doing one great thing...

#19 mordirith



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Posted 23 March 2013 - 12:42 PM

i updated the server with headhunterz latest patch ,i blocked bir3yk.net 


and everything runs smoothly without any crashes

#20 Guest_Logofatu

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Posted 24 March 2013 - 07:46 AM

Hi, thanks for the server, works great. Just one question, do you know any command or something like that, that makes the server to not change the map untill there are players on it? Because I start the server with the de_dust2 map, and after ~20+ minutes the map changes to de_piranesi even if there aren't any players connected. And, do you also know if this server has a votemap at the end of time of every map?

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: release, counter strike source, server, setti, steam, updater, csgo, css, nosteam

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