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SRCDS tutorial (Dedicated Server)

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#1 Mercury



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Posted 22 January 2011 - 05:12 PM

Ohai there! I'm gonna teach you how to make a basic dedicated server. there aren't any special things you really need to download for this (because most of it is in your CS:S!) So let's get started! :P

•srcds.exe (in your CS:S folder)
•high speed internet (NO LAG :D)
•port forwarding (so people can actually join)

1. Make a shortcut of srcds.exe (right click, click Create shortcut)
2. Right click on the shortcut and rename it to 'Run SRCDS'
3. Right click AGAIN on the shortcut and go to Properties (should look something like C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike Source 2010\srcds.exe

4. Add "-console -game cstrike -port 27015 -maxplayers 16 -exec server.cfg +map cs_office" without quotes at the end. So it'll look like C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike Source 2010\srcds.exe -console -game cstrike -port 27015 -maxplayers 16 -exec server.cfg +map cs_office"

What these command do?
•-port - sets your port (change if you like)
•-maxplayers - how many players do you want (change if you like)
•-exec - execute a config file. (can exec any configs)
•+map - the map your server starts with (change if you like)

5. Click Apply and then OK
6. Your server is half-way done !

[making server.cfg]
1. Your server.cfg is already made, but if you like to edit that, go ahead. I prefer another way of doing it.
1a. Go to cfgmaker and edit the options you want (name,password,rcon,etc.)
2. After you're done, click 'Run cfgmaker'
3. Copy the whole text in that box and paste it to a NEW notepad.
4. Save it in your CS:S\cstrike\cfg folder named server.cfg (making the Filetype as All files)
5. Run your server and see how it goes!

[port forwarding]
1. go to PortForward.com and choose your ROUTER type.
2. Follow the instructions and then give your server's IP to your friend.
3. Go to ipchicken.com and copy your IP. then give it to a friend and tell him to type in console 'connect (yourIP:port)' without quotes!'
4. if your friend succeed, do the same for another one.

[post it on setti's masterservers!]
1. go to the homepage of Setti.css (setti's homepage) and scroll down.
2. post your server's IP:Port and let them try it out (LEAVE YOUR SERVER ON)
3. it might take hours or so, but once it works, people can connect/see your server.

hi! this is ANOTHER tutorial on how to get admin on your server (BAN ALL TEH HACKERS!)
first, you have to choose Sourcemod or Mani
easier usage.
doesn't require RCON (easy hack)
quick installation.
no glitch.

horrible usage.
requires RCON (easy hacking rcon to add yourself as admin)
quick installation
glitches a little here and there.

[Sourcemod Users]
1. Go to Sourcemod and metamod. you'll need those files.
2. Download their LATEST versions and place them on your desktop for now.'
3. Then at metamod, click Create VDF and choose cstrike as your game.
4. Click Save (generate, whatever. can't remember) and save it on your desktop.
5. Now drag them all in your CSTRIKE\ADDONS folder.
6. To add yourselves as admin, you need your STEAM ID. Go in game and join a server.
7. Open console up and type 'status' without quotes. Find your username and next to it, copy your steam ID.

8. now go back to your cstrike folder and go in addons\sourcemod\configs\admins_simple.ini
9. paste your steam id and add "99:z" WITH QUOTES. (ex. STEAM_0:0:46374687 "99:z")

What these commands do?
99 - it is your immunity. immunity is very important. if you have low immunity, then another admin could slap you. if you have high immunity, admins MAY not be able to slap you.
z - it is your powers. browse through sourcemod\configs to find a cfg that has commands.


(note : if you need any help, just reply to this topic.)
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#2 EsperanceX



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Posted 08 February 2011 - 07:54 PM

Very Nice Tutorial...all of these things works. I installed "Mani Admin PlugIn" because I think It's easier to use I don't know if this is important for my error. I've got Windows 7, 64bit. And when I or somebody else try to chat ingame my srcds.exe crash. It says in German: srcds.exe Funktioniert nicht mehr! (srcds.exe Don't work anymore) So I don't know what I can do against this...I hope you can help me!
Best Regards

#3 Guest_Najgel

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Posted 09 February 2011 - 01:04 PM

Great tutorial, finally i got to put up the server.
1 thing,

•-maxplayers - how many players do you want (change if you like)

you have to write the maxplayers with an +, otherwise the server doesn't start.

My question is something another. HOW can i set the server beeing OFFLINE ?
to play with friends on LAN (we are planning a Lan party, without inet connection) ? because the Dedicated Server connect's up to Steam servers = I need to have an active internet connection to set it up ;/

#4 Mercury



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Posted 12 February 2011 - 03:52 PM

Very Nice Tutorial...all of these things works. I installed "Mani Admin PlugIn" because I think It's easier to use I don't know if this is important for my error. I've got Windows 7, 64bit. And when I or somebody else try to chat ingame my srcds.exe crash. It says in German: srcds.exe Funktioniert nicht mehr! (srcds.exe Don't work anymore) So I don't know what I can do against this...I hope you can help me!
Best Regards

Well, what do you mean by "chatting" in game. Like at the console of SRCDS?
Or! Maybe it's just the plugins you installed.
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#5 Mercury



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Posted 12 February 2011 - 03:53 PM

Great tutorial, finally i got to put up the server.
1 thing,

•-maxplayers - how many players do you want (change if you like)

you have to write the maxplayers with an +, otherwise the server doesn't start.

My question is something another. HOW can i set the server beeing OFFLINE ?
to play with friends on LAN (we are planning a Lan party, without inet connection) ? because the Dedicated Server connect's up to Steam servers = I need to have an active internet connection to set it up ;/

If you want the server to be OFFLINE, just change sv_lan to 0.
That's all :) (P.S , you can still use -maxplayers)
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#6 Linki



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Posted 22 February 2011 - 10:21 AM

Thank you for this tutorial.

I installed mani admin plugin and quake sounds and have the problem that the sounds won´t be downloaded when I join the server. That´s why I can´t hear them - logically.
All setting (sounds on, downloads on, etc...) are right and new maps are downloaded, too.

Can s.b. help me?

Sorry for the bad english.

#7 b00bs


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Posted 25 February 2011 - 02:32 PM

Thank you for this tutorial.

I installed mani admin plugin and quake sounds and have the problem that the sounds won´t be downloaded when I join the server. That´s why I can´t hear them - logically.
All setting (sounds on, downloads on, etc...) are right and new maps are downloaded, too.

Can s.b. help me?

Sorry for the bad english.

Add "cl_downloadfilter all" command in your CS:S client.

#8 Mr.Deaglemaster



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Posted 11 April 2011 - 03:24 PM

I want make own server and i dont know what that port forwarding doing :unsure: So can someone tell me??

#9 b00bs


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 03:28 PM

I want make own server and i dont know what that port forwarding doing :unsure: So can someone tell me??


#10 Mr.Deaglemaster



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Posted 11 April 2011 - 03:40 PM

Thx b00bz! That helped me very much!

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