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Perplexer FPS

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#21 Guest_mybb

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 05:06 PM

dxlevel 7 = cheat

#22 Guest_

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 05:25 PM

200 fps vs 20 fps = cheat

#23 Guest_

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Posted 01 December 2009 - 04:06 PM

The difference is that FPS is the bottleneck in my case cause it blocks my skill. In your case it doesn't matter.

Wow I Never Realised That Camping With An AWP Was Skill

#24 masterx_



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Posted 02 December 2009 - 07:42 PM

Hahhah :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Perppy playing with his High FPS :lol: . And now there was nothing to block his so called "skill". And still what were you doing? Camping at Spawn and whoring all the time. I didn't see a single RUSH. And your stats? Even more pathetic than with your "Low"fps PC. 67 - 40.

You suck. And I owned you.

#25 Guest_

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Posted 02 December 2009 - 09:59 PM

masterx what are u talking about he did rush once maybe twice but failed at "the first wall". But i have to admit (it's really hard to say but) he saved my life by reacting fast enough. In the end i had ~15hp left. Never in my setti carrer has that happened so be aware. Or not.

BTW I'm sticking with the rule "it's the player, not the machine".

#26 k1ller



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Posted 03 December 2009 - 12:23 PM

@ Slovenians (or Slovenes wtf)
http://www.animatekafestival.org/2009/p ... -finland-1

The kangaroo has already given up hope of a ride, when suddenly, things change. The film portrays the necessity of mutual understanding and finding new solutions.
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#27 masterx_



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Posted 03 December 2009 - 03:51 PM

masterx what are u talking about he did rush once maybe twice but failed at "the first wall". But i have to admit (it's really hard to say but) he saved my life by reacting fast enough. In the end i had ~15hp left. Never in my setti carrer has that happened so be aware. Or not.

Lol You call that what he did rushing? He baited with hola for few times and went after him for easyfrags, that's it. Or maybe I missed something? And fast reaction, so what? He camps 15 mins and shoots one guy fastly? And that makes him a hero? :lol: :lol:

And if he's skill isn't "blocked" anymore, Why did he fail at the first wall? He should have been able to kill all those nabs very easily with her awp.

#28 Guest_

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Posted 03 December 2009 - 04:07 PM

And if he's skill isn't "blocked" anymore, Why did he fail at the first wall? He should have been able to kill all those nabs very easily with her awp.

I saw that he was still a noob also. The pathetic part is i said only a fragment of the story the rest was typically OLD Perplexer.

BTW I'm sticking with the rule "it's the player, not the machine".

Hey read last post before lash out for no reason. I know he won't become any better, cuz he's soo SQUARE that he doesn't believe playing in any other way then his way. But I just don't care. If he wants to be read like an open book, fine by me.

#29 Guest_

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Posted 03 December 2009 - 10:56 PM

stfu noobs, now his keyboard is blocking his skill..

#30 Guest_

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Posted 04 December 2009 - 08:44 AM

That's right noobs. I left the old keyboard on the old computer so I am using a cheapo generic keyboard on this new PC now. It's ok except that it's frame is narrower than the other keyboard so its a tighter grip on the relevant keys (I use the arrow keys + shift + ctrl) so my moves are awkward at times. I need to get used to it. And don't you noobs thinki I should have some time to get used to the new setup and all ? I've only played for the first time yesterday.

There are also small changes in the game that affect my gameplay. For example I see shadows now which often distract me cause I'm not used to them. The shadows are fucked up in CSS and I see running shadow of a dead player on the ground. This often distracts me cause I think it's somebody moving there and I shoot at it. And then the enemy knows my location and kills me from behind. It's these situations that all affect my game.

So just wait. Once I get used to all this shit you WILL cry. Well you're doing that already but, you know what I mean.

And OMG, how many times do I have to explain the rushing thing to you noobs ? I never said I will rush. In fact, I will NOT rush. I already explaned why. This is a public server full of noobs and I don't die for noobs anymore. The only thing that will change is the fact that I will be able to KILL YOU PROPERLY NOW. Get it already.

#31 masterx_



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Posted 04 December 2009 - 01:41 PM

This is a public server full of noobs and I don't die for noobs anymore. The only thing that will change is the fact that I will be able to KILL YOU PROPERLY NOW. Get it already.


So, If the server is full of noobs, Why would u die then when/if u rush? And if you're able to KILL US PROPERLY NOW? :lol:

"Once a noob, always a noob."

#32 k1ller



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Posted 04 December 2009 - 02:26 PM

"Once a noob, always a noob."

Everybody starts as a noob.
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#33 Guest_

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 01:00 PM

"Once a noob, always a noob."

Everybody starts as a noob.

Bull?hit, there are PROs players who are born to play CS:S.

#34 Guest_

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 04:19 PM

Bull?hit, there are PROs players who are born to play CS:S.

True i've heard of some PROs even in Romania, but u weren't one of them http://css.setti.inf...tyle_emoticons/default/icon_question.gif

#35 Guest_

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Posted 05 December 2009 - 08:32 PM

Fuck them I dont care about them and I dont want to be like them.

#36 Guest_

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Posted 08 December 2009 - 11:15 PM

Ok now it has been a few days with 300 FPS and the results are in. Just look at the graph at Psychostats for the last few days --- http://css.setti.info/psychostats

I told you I was only "blocked" by FPS but you noobs didn't believe me. :-)

YES, new PC made a big difference, as I suspected. It's so fucking easy to shoot now. Get yourselves better PCs and start enjoying CSS properly.

#37 Sculder_


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Posted 10 December 2009 - 10:51 AM

Ohh please... You jump from one team to another depends who is winning. I never saw anyone do that (whore like you) ever. Anyone knows that YOUR stats means SHIT.

#38 Guest_

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 01:50 PM

Ohh please... You jump from one team to another depends who is winning. I never saw anyone do that (whore like you) ever. Anyone knows that YOUR stats means SHIT.

you're still pathetic.... useless for your team http://css.setti.inf...tyle_emoticons/default/icon_exclaim.gif

#39 Guest_Acid

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 06:04 PM

Dear Perplexer,

I just checked out your stats and i almost had a heart-attack. How can you have 2062 hours online? This means you stood on that chair of yours holding your mouse 85 days in the last year. I really think you have a problem dude.

85 days sitting on a chair clearly means no sexual activity for 85 days at least,we don't count the wankin' days. If you play 16h/day and sleep the other 8h/day,let's see how much can you get some pussy,i tell you: NONE!

Of course admins will not approve this comment,because it's about their favorite player on the server: The Golden Boy.

I think you need some counciling from a pshycologist,because obviously you have some problem with your addiction.

Cheers. :shock: :shock:

#40 Guest_

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Posted 10 December 2009 - 06:05 PM


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