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Member Since 06 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2010 03:29 AM

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In Topic: What does this mean?

08 October 2010 - 08:01 AM

I don't know about HL Brute attacks. Quite often AlliedModders (AMX Mod X, http://forums.allied...display.php?f=3) have plugins that block all sorts of attacks. Maybe you can find help there.

Thaks Im search with this forum

а атаките са напълно сериозни HLBrute1.1 е програма която намира RCON_PASSWORD server.cfg и чрез него спират сървъра другият метод  за атака е през Meta mod  плъгина не съм много наясно за точната схема но образно казано по някакъв начин карат мета мода да презареди грешни файлове и  сървъра спира и най лошото е че това става по изключително лесен начин и тези програми са достъпни за всеки

In Topic: What does this mean?

08 October 2010 - 07:46 AM

I don't know about HL Brute attacks. Quite often AlliedModders (AMX Mod X, http://forums.allied...display.php?f=3) have plugins that block all sorts of attacks. Maybe you can find help there.

Thaks Im search with this forum

In Topic: What does this mean?

07 October 2010 - 08:16 AM

Тhank you for your information, I was really disturbed because I had a serious problem with several exploit that my crash server.Shte ask you if you know any effective protection against the new meta mod exploit and HL Brute1.1  tell me how can I prevent efficient because Now I'm not sure now that I've defended by ataks. similar to that of scanner SETTI have no intention of banning it when it is not malicious, even if possible I would like to add my server in SETTI list of servers. Thanks again.