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Member Since 14 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2022 12:01 PM

#54883 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 15 November 2011 - 11:48 PM

Ok, NOW it's getting uncomfortable ...

You can't be serious Lemming. I will now just presume that you only watched the vertigo demo, since none of the other demolinks of Orion's video were posted and I sure hope you don't make up your mind because of a youtube video, since it generally provides no proof at all ... where exactly do you see any proof of me cheating?

Let me go through the video:
0-1:04: As Xarc already noticed, it's some bug in the demo, flash glitch or I don't know, but I wasn't flashed and I just saw him run there.
1:04-1:40: I could hear the ladder, that's why I instantly looked that way, why else should I, not even a wallhack could tell me someone's behind me, neither a radarhack on de_vertigo, where it would only tell me they are still at spawn. Unfortunately you can't hear it due to HornyBadger's "Fire in the hole". That's why I say "Enemy spotted" shortly after Orion came up.
1:40-2:10: As teehee already mentioned, tagcollector was shooting at him, so I saw him on the radar and tried to shoot him as well (I missed though).
2:11-2:49: I could see his shadow (Orion get a better config)
2:50-4:03: I saw the first one, tried to shoot through the glass since it worked so well before but didn't hit him, also could see the 2nd and reacted fast, and heard the steps of the third one. (I don't know where you would think I wallhack there at all, because I almost got lucky with my wallbang attempt?)
4:04-5:16: I heard the first one's steps, I heard the 2nd pick the nade (you can see that's when I start to look left), and you can also hear the steps of the 3rd one.

What I don't do? I checked the vertigo demo, where should I have checked a corner? I am very well acquainted both with the map and the players on pub#2, and if the last one was spotted on the radar somewhere else, why should I check some corners anymore?

Let me tell you something about my playstyle now: I play on a 16:9 screen, I have a gaming mouse and a gaming headset (7.1 Dolby Surround Sound), I have a modified config, made it myself, with parts of nooky's (famous CS 1.6 and CS:S pro), Perplexer's and some other guys configs, also giving me high fps, and I customized my HUD a little bit. I also play on cssmixes.co.uk with zBlock and further anti-cheat software, where I (try to) advance my skill (most of the players there are way better than players on public servers, many are better than me).
When I play, I constantly look at both my radar and the deathnotice, I watch where who was killed by whom, so I can guess where one or many players will be going next, where I will meet them, where I can run safely or where I should sneak. That way I sometimes know, ok, only one enemy is left, and he killed blabla 20 seconds ago near that point, he probably tries to run to the bomber who died here or whatever, I should go there. When I'm dead, I also analyze the playstyle of any other regulars, and I adjust my playstyle depending on which server I play on, which regulars are on or even which players are still alive (i.e.: only a noob with 1-7 score is left alive? no sneaking necessary).
Everything I know/can, I learned by playing 1 year regularly CS:S, at first only at Setti, later on cssmixes or a few other servers, by watching videos and demos of pros or by asking better players for tips (teehee, Gamble, ...). Playing on Setti I soon realized there were a lot of cheaters, I despise them and I have never used wallhack or anything else. Sometimes I play more concentrated, sometimes I'm tired, and sometimes I do funny nonsense stuff on the servers. That's why my scores can differ from 54-5 to 1-4 ragequit.

Now tell me, is this just your decision, because I play different than you do which to you looks "dodgy", so you ban me to be on the safe side and satisfy flamers like Marioc, or do truly all headadmins think I cheat? Because after more than 900 hours of playtime and time spectating other players to keep these servers clean, I think I deserve better than being banned without real proof by someone who has only played a few times with me.

#54777 Videos For Cheating Regular Players

Posted by SyrinXeno on 15 November 2011 - 02:25 AM


Although is really hard to detect a good player with a WH ... is this what I think it is or am I mistaken hugely..?
Nice sound system


I guess I'll wait for responses, maybe by headadmins, before I'll explain ... and believe me, I can ;)
Btw, what skins/voices are that?

#53966 New Maps!

Posted by SyrinXeno on 05 November 2011 - 05:17 PM

To make up your mind, here are the links to the maps:

de_season: http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/19836

de_contra: http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/30367

de_russka: http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/33312

de_frost: http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/136679

de_pyramid_css: http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/12593

de_rush(_v2): http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/19321 or http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/54524

de_villa: http://www.gamebanana.com/maps/12622

Please add links to all further map suggestions.

#53837 New Maps!

Posted by SyrinXeno on 03 November 2011 - 01:39 PM

New maps have been suggested for quite some time now, unfortunately no headadmin took the time to consider them, so I reopened this topic:

Please add more maps to the custom maps server. There is a variety of other great and well designed custom maps that would be a perfect suit to pub#2!

Feel free to suggest more maps, I will add them to the poll. Headadmins, please add at least 1-2 good maps, choose the most popular or what you think to be a good map for Custom Maps Server.

#53601 I don't hack

Posted by SyrinXeno on 31 October 2011 - 07:52 PM

Omg, that's why I asked an headadmin whether it counts as proof or not ... so you couldn't see a wallhack in a demo you record by typing record in console?

#52962 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Posted by SyrinXeno on 23 October 2011 - 10:13 PM

"GsX 13 HaSe" STEAM_0:0:2018248937 wh
More evidence: https://css.setti.in...01-de_cbble.dem

#52480 Admin Request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 16 October 2011 - 11:58 AM

Maybe you should add your real stats as well: http://css.setti.inf...r.php?id=119812 (almost 170h more)

Seen him a lot, I think he'd do well as an admin.

+1 from me.

#52472 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Posted by SyrinXeno on 16 October 2011 - 11:10 AM

"|FF-FaN|Ziom {PL}" STEAM_0:0:89182796 wh (auto)aim

"Ready Aimb0T :D" STEAM_0:1:40916037 aim, maybe wh

" Rotko!" STEAM_0:0:1777920704 wh norecoil
From Tick 17000

"Olaf" STEAM_0:0:1905695150 wh norecoil

"Vichy" STEAM_0:0:139841645 norecoil
"(3)css.setti.info" STEAM_0:0:1422545373 aim

"Daniel" STEAM_0:0:1905695150 noob with WH
More evidence: https://css.setti.in..._nightfever.dem
EDIT: Olaf without norecoil (same SteamID)

" PLAY NOW" STEAM_0:0:722945929 WH bhop script, maybe nosmoke

"*InspektA*" STEAM_0:0:429216667 wh and/or radarhack, norecoil, bhop script - Pub#3 around 23:30 GMT
https://css.setti.in...08-de_dust2.dem (Since Setti website was offline, no warranty that this is the correct demo)

"Inte�Police[allme]" STEAM_0:0:1704758240 WH
From Tick 21000

#52060 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 October 2011 - 09:41 PM

"alex2012" STEAM_0:0:818128726 at least upside down

"Pr1vaTe " STEAM_0:0:192231678 WH

"GammelApfel" STEAM_0:0:78804540 norecoil

"React" STEAM_0:0:832464776 aim norecoil wh nosmoke (all noticable in only half a minute of spectating)

"killstreak  27" STEAM_0:0:832464776 aim norecoil wh

" hEadsh0T" STEAM_0:0:994416669 upside down, spin, probably aim, etc. ...

"|<Audience Of One>|" STEAM_0:0:29390447 aim wh (99% sure, couldn't actually see the aim, but others said he had, did aimlike kills (3 in 2 sec, including me), and then knew afk position, trying one shot through wall, threw nade without seeing him, knifed him ... so, pretty sure he hacked ;) )

"Azzlack." STEAM_0:0:104124570 WH


Why wasn't he banned? He came again with hacks!!! If you think that a ban request of mine is wrong, please inform me about that (in that case I would provide ticks for example)!
Still wallhacking, and some shake hack now as well.

"[PyCCkuE-J]™ SONNJK٩(̾●̮" STEAM_0:0:42999 hidden aim ... please tell me that's a fucking 5digit hacker! (not 100% sure)
https://css.setti.in...33-de_cbble.dem Tick 91000, he is down to one last bullet in his clip, enemy jumps around the corner, and a single aim shot. (notice in slow motion how fast he is at the enemy's head and suddenly stops with the crosshair where he headshot him)

"Start" STEAM_0:0:1180577511 spin, upside down, aim, ...

#51876 How we cheat on Pub#4

Posted by SyrinXeno on 08 October 2011 - 11:37 AM

First of all, the sad truth is, I never really trusted snoopl. I thought of checking the demos the day his skill increased by more than 200 in a day, even though I didn't even play that day, I don't know why I didn't in the end. But he's right, after playing on this server for so long, I as well thought he was just a good player, and those "obvious fails", how he called them, shrugged me off.
Sadly Setti servers are swamped with players who hack, and it's a lot of work to spectate them all, so of course it's easier detecting the once who are bad at hiding their hacks. I don't want to be spectator all the time and watch demos that often, but what to do against those hackers? I already spend too much time spectating ...
I guess, introducing further anti-cheat software like ESL Wire or EasyAntiCheat isn't possible? I'd really welcome it, to further decrease the cheaters on Setti. But this software wouldn't detect ALL cheats either.

I ask Setti administration to thoroughly check all the players on the list given by snoopl. I know, I'm on the list myself, but I don't have anything to worry about, since I never have nor ever will cheat (Maybe further approval by administration after checking will stop the complaints by haters like Mavro). I don't think all on the list hack, but 1 or 2 might do, so please check them all. (PM me for personal check list)

@snoopl: First of all, thanks, for being honest. Secondly, please complete the list, list all players you think might cheat, but of course not all are, it's always easy to accuse others when seeing their view with hacks, when in reality they are just more alert and skilled, because they don't hack (comparison to blind guys who get a more distinguished sense of hearing). Since when do you play CS:S, and how long have you been using cheats?
And last but not least: simply fuck you. Players like you (hackers) ruin the game for all honest and legit players, who simply want to play a fun and fair game.

#51579 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Posted by SyrinXeno on 04 October 2011 - 02:23 PM

"Headshot Erdo" STEAM_0:0:385659261 aim, spin, etc...

"Mc_Kain™" STEAM_0:0:1250392405 norecoil, maybe wh

"bjKus <3" STEAM_0:1:19433474 WH, maybe bhop script
"alphabet" STEAM_0:1:37611013 WH, probably bhop script
https://css.setti.in...8-de_tuscan.dem From approximately Tick 70000
More evidence: https://css.setti.in...-cs_militia.dem
Again with other nicks: "I#M BULLETPROOF!" STEAM_0:1:19433474 and "KL0D0" STEAM_0:1:37611013, now both with the same clan tag: https://css.setti.in...02-de_aztec.dem

"1337prefire' 515 subs <3" STEAM_0:1:38595407 at least bhop script, maybe wh, maybe some trigger bot or something similar ... cheater anyways

#51167 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Posted by SyrinXeno on 29 September 2011 - 12:35 AM

SyrinX' Ban Corporation
in association with
el greco Productions
proudly presents:

[color="#800080"]H[color="#9ACD32"]a[color="#FF8C00"]c[color="#00FFFF"]k[color="#C0C0C0"]e[color="#00FF00"]r'[color="#8B0000"]s [color="#48D1CC"]B[color="#556B2F"]a[color="#2F4F4F"]t[color="#F4A460"]t[color="#00BFFF"]l[color="#FF00FF"]e


Starring the still not detected:
"undedected ftw v2.0" STEAM_0:1:33497023 Spin, aim
Featuring the shy:
"Shar0xX" STEAM_0:0:16659084 autoaim



Starring the 32.bit brothers:
"hovN." STEAM_0:1:998615 WH, maybe bhop script
"Gone Forever." STEAM_0:1:43751082 WH, nosmoke, maybe bhop script
Featuring the mellow:
"Megatron" STEAM_0:0:36468476 Spin, aim

Who do you think wins? Right, admin does.

Just permban those tards ;)

https://css.setti.in...28-de_dust2.dem From Tick 17000

#51104 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Posted by SyrinXeno on 28 September 2011 - 01:04 AM

"CoCa-_-BäR" STEAM_0:0:1381519433 WH From the beginning

In the same demo: "Blame" STEAM_0:0:408856381
I'm not so sure about him, he doesn't have the usual wallhacker behaviour, but still is suspicious. Maybe he just has a fast reaction, but he is worth checking:
Only jotted down Ticks from the second half: 112000, 120k, 130k, 153500, 160k

Furthermore he said:
*DEAD* Blame :  geht nihct ^^ man kann steam id und ip anders machen ^^
Translation: [permban] isn't possible, you can change your steam id and ip
Maybe it means nothing ...

He also played in the next map, where they accused him of wallhacking, but I didn't check it:

#49600 Admin Request

Posted by SyrinXeno on 11 September 2011 - 04:17 PM

Just for the record, he already applied some time ago: http://css.setti.inf...-admin-request/
Because you copied the application, the links won't work, except for the last one. Get this straight.
Good Luck! ;)

#49528 Veterans in pub 2

Posted by SyrinXeno on 10 September 2011 - 01:47 PM

I'm still here, and I always will ;)
Although I have to admit, I'm kind of more active on other Setti servers at the moment.
But Pub 2 still is my home server :D

See you online  :cheers: