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Member Since 30 Mar 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2011 01:36 PM

Topics I've Started

Unban Request

30 March 2011 - 09:27 PM

Date: 30/03/2011
Time: Approx 22:00 (GMT)

2) Setti Server 4 (no AWP) Now All Setti Servers >_<

3) De_Dust

4) not sure dont use Steam but think its
STEAM_0:0:1384341598 27:53 102 8 active (?)


6) RiZler...

7) iivs

Seeing as i only play on Deathmatch and my bro usually plays on server 4
can i just get an unban for deathmatch and leave the rest banned?
and youll know when its my bro cus he usually uses a crappy gun like on of the cheaper sub machine guns to get the acheivements for it