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Mr. President

Member Since 16 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2011 02:35 PM

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In Topic: Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

26 April 2011 - 07:54 PM

Hello b00bs,
Thank you for this great opportunity you gave us by doing some modifications to this great game.
If I'm here I have a problem...I am trying to view a video and to decide whether the player cheated or not. I enter playdemo <demoname.dem> in the console and the game terminates and it shows this message: Engine Error - Bad inline model number 34.

I've also tried moving the demo files from CS2010 - SETTI.....\cstrike to another location (whether the desktop or Local C) and after I enter playdemo <demoname.dem> or just playdemo <demoname> it does absolutely nothing but display this message in the console: playdemo <demoname> : plays a demo file
Unknown command "demopauseafterinit"

Here's a screen shot of the dialog box I get when the file is in cstrike folder: My link

Thank you in advance,
Mr. President

Probably map you have installed is different than that used for demo. Remember that dust dust2 inferno maps were updated.

Btw game is developed by Valve, not me.

Hello again b00bs,

I understand that you don't have an answer for every problem that we, your version's of CS:S users ask, but I still wanted to try and get some possible information by you about my problem and I'm not trying to be a smart-ass here. The demo I am talking about was recorded by me last night in cs_crackhouse and I tried to play it right after I finished recording, so I don't quite understand what would the problem be with that. If you could further assist me with my problem I would greatly appreciate it. If it helps(even that I don't know if I'm allowed to post a link that's not a screen-shot), here is the demo I recorded last night and tried to play:DEMO's LINK

In Topic: Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

26 April 2011 - 08:00 AM

Hello b00bs,
Thank you for this great opportunity you gave us by doing some modifications to this great game.
If I'm here I have a problem...I am trying to view a video and to decide whether the player cheated or not. I enter playdemo <demoname.dem> in the console and the game terminates and it shows this message: Engine Error - Bad inline model number 34.

I've also tried moving the demo files from CS2010 - SETTI.....\cstrike to another location (whether the desktop or Local C) and after I enter playdemo <demoname.dem> or just playdemo <demoname> it does absolutely nothing but display this message in the console: playdemo <demoname> : plays a demo file
Unknown command "demopauseafterinit"

Here's a screen shot of the dialog box I get when the file is in cstrike folder: My link

Thank you in advance,
Mr. President

In Topic: Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

16 April 2011 - 02:55 AM

I can't hear what other people say either. Please do what you can on fixing this. I am very sure that it will be only a matter of time until you come up with a solution.
Thank you in advance.