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Member Since 27 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2011 02:16 PM

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In Topic: Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

27 April 2011 - 12:28 PM

Hi b00bs,
I've followed the FAQ to get a LAN server with srcds but I have two problems I don't know how to fix !

- The first map is always Dust_2 and the following one always the same. How can I change the playlist?
- I would like to add bots on the server, is it possible to do that and how?

Thanks for your answer
NoNo from France :)

Edit "srcds_console.bat" file, there you can change first map parameter "+map de_dust2".
Playlist is there - "..\cstrike\mapcycle.txt", you can change level anytime by changelevel command - "changelevel de_piranesi". Add one bot command is "bot_add".

It works perfectly thanks a lot :thumbup:

In Topic: Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

27 April 2011 - 08:50 AM

Hi b00bs,
I've followed the FAQ to get a LAN server with srcds but I have two problems I don't know how to fix !

- The first map is always Dust_2 and the following one always the same. How can I change the playlist?
- I would like to add bots on the server, is it possible to do that and how?

Thanks for your answer
NoNo from France :)