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Member Since 22 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2013 12:05 PM

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In Topic: How cs-boost.com works ? :))

16 February 2013 - 12:10 AM

Just test it as the OP did and you will convince yourself. To be realistic, this made setti suck nowdays. You guys rather see money before the customer but think twice: because of fake server boosts you are loosing the real customers which could have been a higher number than these guys who buy setti for their fake servers. Not to mention they make a profit out of it.


Nowdays everyone rejects setting and pick gtrs instead. Why? because their list is clean and don't have even a single redirect just like setti used to be. How about bringing back those old good times and regain your customers ?


A simple statistic: You guys had a 68,000 - 72,000 alexa traffic when you provided fair and clean services. You now got a 226,000 alexa traffic ranking. Conclusions? You lost 3x customers and visitors comparing to those days. Is it worth it ?

In Topic: Ban theese FAKE SERVERS !

05 July 2012 - 07:53 AM

stop posting fake servers that are in boost list. They will never ban them since they are paying money and setti likes that


05 July 2012 - 07:52 AM

There's notification on the Boost page saying that the effect is lesser than normally. You've used Boost several times after that. You should add your server on the normal list via http://css.setti.info/#addserver and stop using the Boost if you're not satisfied with it. That way your server will be listed on Setti's list just like all the other normal servers.

So why don't you stop ppl from buying boost? You really do like money right? Obviously it's better for those poor ppl to pay for setti while it works like shit

In Topic: Payment problems to boost server

30 October 2011 - 09:14 PM

not even a single answer.

admins are sleeping here?

In Topic: 1 Month Boost - When it will happen?

06 August 2011 - 07:42 PM

said the one using boost all the time ... pathetic

server full only buying boost! Is that what Setti want to do?? They try to promote good servers and not those, admins of which can afford constant boost.

Once again pathetic.

Setti created this boost for money since it's a paid service. You should first think before writing. I know it hurts for some ppl but try to do an effort.

Anyway, hoping there will be a montly boost someday, it will be great for those who constantly boost their servers.