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Member Since 21 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2010 09:39 AM

Topics I've Started

IRL Who is who?

17 March 2010 - 03:51 PM

Yo guys!

I'm not sure whether there was a thread about our IRL personalities earlier, but anyway, I can't find it. I know that many of us play this game for the community, and setti has a damn good one. I'm also sure that some ppl don't really like to go further in topics other than the game itself, so this thread is not for them, it's for those, who are curious who are the persons behind the armed blue/red guys, who are shooting and dying all the time, and then resurrecting :) There are some ppl here, who've known each other virtually since 3-4 years!

Well I don't really want to write a novel about myself. I'm Sebastian, half Hungarian half Polish, 24, a fresh graduate in economics (int'l relations) living in the suburbs of Budapest with my fiance. I'm currently working for IBM, as a training specialist, organizing and facilitating trainings for the whole world.

I've been addicted to computer games since my childhood, besides that I'm making music, (with guitar, keyboard and my PC), climbing mountains (not much nowadays tho), playing poker, and drinking. I'm also an activist of the Hungarian green party (LMP), and will probably be a local deputy lol.

I think that's all about me, hopefully someone will continue, otherwise I'll look like an idiot. (Perp? I'm sure you want to tell us about your life haha.)

Mysterious object over Hungary

02 March 2010 - 04:25 PM

Hey all!

I'm not really into those topics, but this is an interesting article about something flying over Hungary, at 28 February, around 23:30.


The funny thing is that I was watching Zombieland on my PC (as a long break between two CSS rounds haha), when I saw that it's almost like daylight outside. I said wtf, and ran to the window, and for 2-3 secs I saw some sort of a fireball. No, it wasn't like a normal meteor (I've seen shooting stars many times), but more like a single firework, except that it was very very shiny and... big...

It disappeared suddently, but I was still standing there for a couple of minutes, thinking about some alien or serbian attacks.. then I checked the hungarian news sites if there is something about this, but I couldn't find anything.
So I continued watching Zombieland, which is a relaxing, but weak film lol.

Then one day later, in the evening (!), the main article of the most famous hungarian news portal, index.hu was about a "mysterious object flying over Hungary", and also Slovakia and Czech Republic, assuming that it's probably a meteor, which exploded in the air. Today, we have another main article about this http://index.hu/tudomany/2010/03/02/meg ... o_tuzgomb/ - in Hungarian but with some videos, already mentioning an explosion, which was percepted in Slovakia, questioning the meteor explanation. The fireball's magnitudo was -15 for 3 seconds (which is enormous: full Moon has -12,6, the Sun has -26,8.).

Scientists are now seeking for a crater or any remains of the explosion...

I wrote this because this is probably the first really unusal thing I saw in my life (I'm an agnostic, atheist, and ufo-sceptic person). Even if it was a normal meteor, or meteorit, it looked awesome, and extremely frightening :) I can clearly remember that the fireball's size was VISIBLE.. and they saw it even in the Czech Republic, which is quite far away from here...

Perhaps anyone else saw that from the setti crew?