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Member Since 10 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active May 18 2010 07:55 PM

Topics I've Started

The Russian Problem

08 May 2010 - 11:49 AM

Dear Guys!
Lately i've talked to k1ller online about this irritating problem, and he offered me to post it here.
So, these days from about 8am to 2pm GMT, there are many russian players are enjoying Setti's hospitality, what is not really the problem. But, they are beginners. Not knowing the map, always teamattacking, teamkilling, blocking and flashing makes even my soft sould harmful.
- Okay, let me describe them the main goals, and the weak points!... naive idea :/
They dont speak any other language, their nicknames and keyboards know no normal caracters.
Although this happens usually in the early hours, many potencial, future regular players panic and leave setti forever, and the admins are nowhere( Perplexer plays less, i hope he is ok!!).

What solution can be then?
1. Get the early regular players, and give them just(!!!!) kick rights. No need for ban or anything else. Psyhostats can help, if i know well, the online time is registrated too, isnt it?
Maybe: [ALB]Angel of Death, Unlimited... these guys speak english, they play ante meridiam. Oc, its a bit stupid idea to trust in guys like them. This is a weak point.

2. Get 2-3 russian players, from a well trusted crew, ask them to play on setti and offer them admin rights. This could work, but hard to iniciate.

3. Get votekick or voteban back to setti! Also meanwhile, lower the voting's success percentage(is it understandable?? :S). Im curious to know why did you remove these away? Abuse?

4. Forward the russian connections to Setti Pub 4!!! Simple and easy! After 10-15 online time, they could have the chance to play on Setti 1, or after asking it here. Write a russian sample at the welcoming message about it!

Well, i don't know if any of these ideas would help, but as a player of setti, i really recommend the changes. I always worked much for a clean and fair setti, just hoping the best!!!

Love you guys, cheers: The ONE, THE LEGENDARY, The fabulous and LIKED Peatbratyó : )