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There have been 193 items by RedBull (Search limited from 11-January 19)

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#94217 Meeting onDust2 only like old times !

Отправлено по RedBull on 19 May 2014 - 06:07 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Holy shit the servers have emptied since my last visit. Playing with the old timers seems like a cool idea. Count me in!

#53801 Best Admin of the year 2011

Отправлено по RedBull on 02 November 2011 - 09:46 PM в Offtopic

Pheonix my man, you get all my votes !

#51959 Setti CS:S Admin request server PUB #3

Отправлено по RedBull on 09 October 2011 - 05:50 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Dont give cyber admin. He is a bot! :)

Me bot you play like a noob bot.

Pffft your post proves that you can't be an admin here.

#51958 Admin request, pub 1 & 4 or just one of them.

Отправлено по RedBull on 09 October 2011 - 05:48 PM в Setti CS:S servers


#49593 Veterans in pub 2

Отправлено по RedBull on 11 September 2011 - 03:11 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Sup mavro :) I've got a lot of work in these months so i'm not really active. And yeah after i finish a couple of projects we could meet again.

#49591 Admin Request

Отправлено по RedBull on 11 September 2011 - 03:09 PM в Setti CS:S servers

+100 from me :)


Отправлено по RedBull on 04 September 2011 - 10:11 AM в Counter-Strike: Source

Stop being stupid , turn off your caps and stop writing in some shitty big ass scripts. Also learn some basic english.

#48867 Unban request for Steve90

Отправлено по RedBull on 02 September 2011 - 02:39 PM в Ban / unban requests

server name PUB 1

when did that happen : for long time ago . i don't remember

the admin who banned you : i think it's the server by itself

PLAYER NAME and steam ID :Steve90" STEAM_0:0:853494131 00:13 186 0
reason of the ban: well. it was a mistake :whistling: i did not change my default nick (i_love_boobs) in the beginning so i got banned

please your action

First of all. You get banned long time ago. Thats mean you still banned.So is Permanent Ban.You can not get Permament Ban for that reason... lol :facepalm:

You just wrote a nonsense. first of all don't be fucking stupid. Second , the server itself banned players with the nickname I_Love_b00bs and the ban was permanent . So think before you say something.

and why are you so angry .oh my god i feel like i killed some one .lol what a forum

Dude , i responsed to greek noob , not your post.

#48843 unban request

Отправлено по RedBull on 02 September 2011 - 11:31 AM в Ban / unban requests

Greek noob , you won't be unbanned because you used some damn cheats in setti and in other servers. Now gtfo and stop wasting the admin's time.

#48842 Unban request for Steve90

Отправлено по RedBull on 02 September 2011 - 11:27 AM в Ban / unban requests

server name PUB 1

when did that happen : for long time ago . i don't remember

the admin who banned you : i think it's the server by itself

PLAYER NAME and steam ID :Steve90" STEAM_0:0:853494131 00:13 186 0
reason of the ban: well. it was a mistake :whistling: i did not change my default nick (i_love_boobs) in the beginning so i got banned

please your action

First of all. You get banned long time ago. Thats mean you still banned.So is Permanent Ban.You can not get Permament Ban for that reason... lol :facepalm:

You just wrote a nonsense. first of all don't be fucking stupid. Second , the server itself banned players with the nickname I_Love_b00bs and the ban was permanent . So think before you say something.

#48607 Ban for no reason 3

Отправлено по RedBull on 30 August 2011 - 09:41 AM в Ban / unban requests

Thank you haka3te, you just made my day ! :)

#48388 Unban

Отправлено по RedBull on 26 August 2011 - 04:05 PM в Ban / unban requests

To be honest, those pages prove nothing. They can have human errors in banning people for hacking cause u can just add bans to it.
Sourcebans is very off, even Im banned there eventho ive never hacked. Steambans is a much more better service.

Why believe someone has hacked just cause he has been banned on other servers? The servers might have 9 year old admins who bought their admin by their weekly allowance and get power hungry over someone who headshot them 1 too many times.

http://css.setti.inf...pic/8075-unban/ I do not think that b00bz banned him by a mistake.

#48359 Unban

Отправлено по RedBull on 26 August 2011 - 08:31 AM в Ban / unban requests

lol? Gamemaster is gay who is that?

Its the same steam ID you cheater. And you had your answer. Now STFU & GTFO.

#48302 HENKJOOD applying for admin.

Отправлено по RedBull on 25 August 2011 - 06:44 AM в Setti CS:S servers

Yea henk seems to be active in servers :) +1

#48074 Favorite / Good / New Games

Отправлено по RedBull on 22 August 2011 - 10:22 AM в Videos, demos and other clips

Absolutely love this game :)

#48071 Unban request

Отправлено по RedBull on 22 August 2011 - 10:18 AM в Ban / unban requests

[color="#0000FF"]Dont you beleive me ? :( Please its my favourite server !

Scott or Betrox reported 4 times wallhack once aimbot stay away!!!! :gun:

Its Skills, the reporters are newbies :/
PS : I cant stay away

Get lost. This server is for fair players , not for cheating cowards.

#47970 Music ;)

Отправлено по RedBull on 20 August 2011 - 10:29 AM в Videos, demos and other clips

Fuck yeah !

#47599 R.I.P. Fofo

Отправлено по RedBull on 14 August 2011 - 04:30 PM в Offtopic

God damn ! R.I.P fofo you will never be forgotten here. I hope those people who killed him burn in hell...

#46596 Unban Request

Отправлено по RedBull on 02 August 2011 - 09:43 AM в Ban / unban requests

Stop posting demos its no use ! You cheated you were caught and you will be banned ! Oh and now tell us a brother story like always :)

#46593 Unban Request

Отправлено по RedBull on 02 August 2011 - 09:21 AM в Ban / unban requests

Yeah permban him on all servers. The few demos you posted don't prove that you don't use cheats. You just post demos where you don't cheat and you are just trying to fool us. el greco posted the demo where you use wall hack. End of story , thread can be locked and you can permban him from all servers.

#46434 Did you ever paid a bribe?

Отправлено по RedBull on 31 July 2011 - 09:43 AM в Offtopic

Just saw the map, we have a small lead against Lithuania :))

@CC: wait my friend, wait. Or maybe the website is blocked in Russia, it wouldn't be a surprise :))

Grr we will catch you !

#46422 Unban request

Отправлено по RedBull on 31 July 2011 - 07:58 AM в Ban / unban requests

No recoil. Everyone saw you use it and i reported you. Please close the topic.
Oh i almost forgot , permban him from all servers.

#46300 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Отправлено по RedBull on 29 July 2011 - 04:32 PM в Ban / unban requests

" You name" STEAM_0:0:1097901571 Aimbot wallhack Round 13 until ban

#46256 No recoil

Отправлено по RedBull on 28 July 2011 - 07:36 PM в Gaming discussion

No recoil is a thingy which is like a part of aimbot. Aimbot's suck without norecoil. With norecoil your bullets go straight into the place where you aimed with your recoil. No matter what gun you use , you keep shooting at one point and you hit at it.

#46250 Ban Requests (report cheaters here)

Отправлено по RedBull on 28 July 2011 - 05:23 PM в Ban / unban requests

"GamaX" STEAM_0:0:309771828 No Recoil from round 2