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There have been 178 items by Rizla+++ (Search limited from 12-December 18)

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#87269 A farewell to setti community

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 26 April 2013 - 07:33 PM в Offtopic

marioc, no need for philosophies.. If i have learned from mistakes, i must have admitted doing them in first place, but i keep this inner "conversation" between me and myself. - I think its called self-criticism. - in terms of being useful to the team.

i like playing with as many as possible. But now dd2 has only 2 BOTS after 3 o clock or so..   it wasnt like that.  Anyways.. its a lot of things, from admin abuses, to regulars leaving..


Be well guys.

#87208 A farewell to setti community

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 25 April 2013 - 02:24 PM в Offtopic

halo guys, I just wanted to say a goodbye to setti, and all the people that i had fun playing with.

i want to thank el greco, mithrandir, M4Andreas, chimka, ruben, kuro, funky, fonzi, frog, kfiat, selena, and everyone else i cant remember, with whom i enjoyed playing.



Also, a big sorry to setti head admins (scudler, kill3r), for my bad words when i first joined this community.. i had to learn the rules through banning, and crying at forums, being offensive did not help me at all. At least i learned from my mistakes. (please notice i was total noob back then - just like now :)


Server is not so populated as i would like to be. But i can say one thing for sure. "growing up" in setti gave me a lot of skill, or at least thats how i see it, now that i am playing at another overpopulated server, and i make nice scoring. So i am thankful to all the regulars.




#83649 admin abuse

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 27 January 2013 - 11:49 PM в Setti CS:S servers

lemming, with no offense, but i dont think that slaying people will make em understand the mistake, instead it makes them mad and wonder "why the hell" . Moreover, you cant know under what influence one is when playing (...) . its just a game, let people play. TA/TF yes ok, but not defending (camping at) the bombsite, is not worse than being a CT and not going for the defuse. ok? and  this is sth head admins are very used to.  going for a good score -- not going for the team. Anyways, i am very careful when head admins are on the game, and this is the only  lesson learned.. , guys who like rush are obliged to join only Terrorists? why Cant CTs rush, this is just out of the game's rules mate.. you are too strict dude, chill out, or at least try to explain the mistake rather than punish.

edit: I CANT CAMP :D



#83512 Permban Request

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 22 January 2013 - 12:04 AM в Ban / unban requests

ellanios , like you said you cant leave setti by yourself. please consider that real regulars dont leave setti, we want you NOT to  leave but instead kill the bastards, and see this as an unlucky moment.

unfair bans have been a very common reason that regulars leave setti over time. also k1ller had once advised to BAN ONLY CHEATERS. at that time setti was full of players, and many cheaters. Over time cheaters have reduced, and and limited admins baninng with no sense of the facts. but I cant think how BUG decides to ban.


anyways,  come on we wont let you leave, come play and kill some bots.

#83240 afk manager

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 16 January 2013 - 04:22 PM в Setti CS:S servers

its good, but problematic.. sees people afk when dead, afk plugin is ok only for the alive players.

#83038 funky, you are not head admin [TROLLED]

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 13 January 2013 - 12:22 PM в Setti CS:S servers

your food reminds me the lyrics of "polismania" only there it say "beef with potaotes in oven " :D you really have it in your blood to become a cup dont ya ?!

#83036 funky, you are not head admin [TROLLED]

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 13 January 2013 - 11:35 AM в Setti CS:S servers

omg funky if you go into deep shit, just do it for the money, dont fuck others cause they will fuck you 4 months. believe me, its better to get sympathy than the total irony and hate from your soldiers.. It wont be the most pleasant thing to order guys that happen to joing the army at age 24-28 due to studies. if you are 18-19.. Anyways, you will be getting paid 500-600 euro each month. the soldiers will be getting 8.60 per month. Yet they will get their head into the toilets to clean em. anyways.. the higher you are, the less you do, the more you get paid .. fucking system


the thread should be moved to Offtopic i d say.- if it must belong somewhere, since there is not a special category for trollzor topics :) ,


dont consider it a troll thread, i wanted to pass the msg, that a limited  threatening anyone not to let him play again, is power abuse.  that is all. Hope good luck again, you dont need to reply at all.




@ greco. Footsteps can be heard.. a blind man could play CSS and get some kills :D I know mic spamming was very fair reason for my first mute :D i m a noob and i try to learn.

#83017 funky, you are not head admin [TROLLED]

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 13 January 2013 - 02:58 AM в Setti CS:S servers

http://css.setti.inf...36-de_dust2.dem 112000tick


ok funky, to clear it up here is the demo.


as i told you you could be less strict, failure is part of the game.

you told me that if full admin was there i would get a week ban for how i acted, and i have to admit that if head admin was there i wouldnt let the bomb uncovered searching for the ct in tunel... it happens regularly to let the bomb uncovered as a noob  - mistakes - even with more than 2 Ter. alive, yet i havent seen once to get people kicked for that.. at least not from limited. and again i never told you about you wanting to become full , its just that moment  you mimic them., and i told you that at once, when i rejoined. I really didnt noticed when my teamate died at first place, sorry.


PS EPIC fail that previous round you suspect me of wh.. i lol'd

thank god i wasnt banned :D


(Spectator) Funky :  al1?
(Spectator) Funky :  you here?
(Spectator) Funky :  spec critical]
(Spectator) Funky :  i think he is wh
(Spectator) Funky :  not sure though
(Spectator) Funky :  i would like your opinion too
*(Spectator) Funky :  what an idiot

*DEAD* |aSd| :  omg
*SPEC* Funky :  !kick criti
*DEAD* |aSd| :  what the fuck are you doind?
critical_lost :  ti kaneis re mlka epitelous ante gamisou
*SPEC* critical_lost :  e afou prin ton skotosei ton diko mou me kaneis kick
*SPEC* Funky :  ton skotose kai emta se ekana kick
*SPEC* critical_lost :  pas kala
*SPEC* Funky :  eixe ftasei sto miso defuse otan to fages to kick
*SPEC* Funky :  mia xara paw eytheia esy?
*SPEC* critical_lost :  kala kala..
*SPEC* Funky :  kala kala?
*SPEC* Funky :  pane des to demo malaka
*SPEC* Funky :  kai ase ta kala kala
*DEAD* critical_lost :  pane koimisou mlka k ase me na peksw
*DEAD* critical_lost :  eleos pia
*DEAD* critical_lost :  tin exeis dei full or what
*SPEC* Funky :  pane koimisou esy vlaka kai ama synexiseis tis malakies den tha se afisw pote na paikseis
*SPEC* Funky :  ti full vre malaka eisai sovaros?


#83003 funky, you are not head admin [TROLLED]

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 12 January 2013 - 09:43 PM в Setti CS:S servers

funky, i know i got into big mess about nothing serious to open a thread. it was my mistake not to tell you its me. Anyways, you DID threatened me after i rejoined and asked, only that it was done  in greek language. that was the reason i opened the thread actually, not for the kick. sounded like you would call a special connection to ban me forever - anyways. 

as for the rules of the game, it is as you say of course, but the player DOES HAVE the right to fail, after all ,its a game. i dont like to reconnect after not having harmed anyone (tf/tk/block)  , if i cover the site or not it is my decision. the only reaction was from your part only not from the teammates, you were spec, so i dont understand why you take it so seriously and decide to kick the player that didnt cover the bombsite. I used to know that limited admins ban only cheaters. anyways,i am sorry too that i had to opened this thread for my greek co - player and for the bad language (malaka..) which could as well be reason for ban.. but please, dont be so strict to anyone, what really messes the game is  the cheaters and tk, or systematic retartdness. that was retard from my side not to cover the bomb but i didnt like it all getting kicked afterwards.


Anyways, no hard feelings from my side, hope good luck with the army hope you have a good "connection" there ;)


PS:  i will try not to touch so regularly the radio buttons..

#82865 funky, you are not head admin [TROLLED]

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 10 January 2013 - 11:26 PM в Setti CS:S servers

DD2. i was leaving my only alive teammate to plant on a, and was searching  for the only alive ct. ok, i know it was not right, but i was not in the mood of playing seriously.

I was in the tunnel when defuse started, of course i could not kill the ct. but i dindnt even had the chance to try.  and i get kicked. I dont actually remember if funky let the CT take the 3 kills, but other than that, he ruined my play


I tell him that he acts like head admin, and he THREATENS me not to play again. this is why i actually made the thread. 

So fuck this shit,  funky you are not head admin, maybe one day you will, but your primary target for the moment  is banning cheaters. correct me if i am wrong.


anyways, i never liked you as admin, better go become footballer if you like kicking so much. FFS

#82675 Unban request!

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 08 January 2013 - 08:47 PM в Ban / unban requests

dude, as far as i know, when head admins are on the game, you tell them your problem and they take approprieate action.


Generally, i can see lately  that limited admins ( at least fresh ones), abuse when head ones are not present. Kicking - banning for blocking, for bad language TF etc..., actually acting like head admins..


I mean, hasnt k1ller said to "ban only cheaters"?? anyway, take a small break its only 320 minutes


Oh and by the way, teamflash can occur by mistake. Was i lucky not to get kicked the other day that i went into your line of fire??

#80043 Where are the setti servers -.-

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 25 November 2012 - 09:05 PM в Setti CS:S servers

SETTI DEDUST 2 IS showing again in my historty tab! coool

#79593 Where are the setti servers -.-

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 20 November 2012 - 03:47 PM в Setti CS:S servers

i m havin the same issue with server disappearing from history. Pls when someone knows serveres are up, inform at this thread

#76394 Admin Request - setti (Locked cause FonZi asked@Funky)

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 24 October 2012 - 09:28 PM в Setti CS:S servers

+1. He plays many hours every day on dedust 2, would be very useful if he was given admin rights

#76054 Introducing !resetscore

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 21 October 2012 - 03:42 PM в Setti CS:S servers

yes whatever . either votekick or 5 min ban sth for users that are not admins

#76003 Introducing !resetscore

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 21 October 2012 - 08:16 AM в Setti CS:S servers

+1 for !rs
Also please think about votekick for 5minutes.

#76002 Admin Request

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 21 October 2012 - 08:08 AM в Gaming discussion

+1 definately! admins always needed. nomatter how many admins setti has, there are moments when there is none online. and more admins reduce chances for absence.

#73038 Can't join #Pub3

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 08 September 2012 - 07:30 AM в Setti CS:S servers

i cannot connect to pub #3 server, for some days now. connection fails after 4 retries.. could i have been added to ban list?

#67416 pub #3 best score.. (Perplexer)

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 17 May 2012 - 06:39 PM в Offtopic

i was there! thats an honor!! perplexer.. you and and your maphack :party2: kiddin of course! great round dude :thumbsup:

#67415 banned by lemmin

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 17 May 2012 - 06:34 PM в Ban / unban requests

hahahh ti malakes eiste!!! spammarete to unban request moy :D liges meres minane koufales :D

#67199 banned by lemmin

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 12 May 2012 - 07:01 PM в Ban / unban requests

ok thanks

#67195 banned by lemmin

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 12 May 2012 - 05:28 PM в Ban / unban requests

at least i should be warned, or asked to leave, i would do so! setti #3 is my favourite server and i always try to help the team.
the net cafe i am playing from is crowded, and maybe that was the cause of me lagging.
i didnt even played two rounds.. i dont know what to say, i didnt expect it.

a week is a long playing time. anyway

I kindly ask to get unbanned, STEAM_0:0:40532141 . and promise i wont play again on saturday evening from a net cafe :)

PLS lemming, i wish it was in my hand not to lag, if that was the reason! but i am 800 km away from my PC

Peace, Rizzla

#67190 banned by lemmin

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 12 May 2012 - 04:29 PM в Ban / unban requests

De dust 2

some minutes ago,

By Lemmin

Why dude? i just want to know the reason.

no cheating of course, i was laggin though due ti shitty PC.. i killed two enemies at B and then i get banned for 1440 minutes...

what did i do ??

#62580 Admin Request

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 22 February 2012 - 08:55 PM в Setti CS:S servers

+1 from me as well! You would be very valuable Mithra :)

#61677 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по Rizla+++ on 10 February 2012 - 06:00 PM в Releases

b00bs I saw somewhere where said that u had updated the server but I have steam and when i try to connect I get the message the server is running on another update or whatever it says...

You are probably trying to connect to the outdated server. Now you have only two options.

1. waiting...
2. install non steam game and patching the game with the latest patch released by b00bs.

Same problem here.. i cant joing the server because "its running an older version" How long could the "waiting" be?