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There have been 81 items by SNiPY (Search limited from 16-December 18)

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#98933 Put my server in nosteam serverlist

Отправлено по SNiPY on 22 June 2018 - 10:13 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

You want us to put your server in the masterserver but you didn't give information about:

1. the game that your server is about

2. the version of your server

3. IP:Port



#98946 Asking To Add My Server To Masterserver

Отправлено по SNiPY on 18 July 2018 - 02:22 PM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

I added the server and i got the following:


[Wed Jul 18 17:17:49 2018]: Verifying (
[Wed Jul 18 17:17:49 2018]: Got KEY for v48 test (hl1) from
[Wed Jul 18 17:17:49 2018]: Server reply: B 3837 1 1501
[Wed Jul 18 17:17:49 2018]: OK. Server accepted me.


As you can see the masterserver accepted your server. If you still can't see your server then i guess there is an issue in the masterserver's code. That is something i am not be able to fix, since i don't have access to do it.

#98949 Asking To Add My Server To Masterserver

Отправлено по SNiPY on 22 July 2018 - 06:10 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

Then i guess the masterserver needs an update, but i am not the one who has access to do that. :P

#98952 setti site not secure

Отправлено по SNiPY on 26 July 2018 - 09:48 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

Probably you get that message because there is chance the HTTPS protocol got disabled or expired.

There is nothing you should worry about. You account info and whatever you type here is completely safe.

If it wasn't, i wouldn't be here.

#98953 Put my server in nosteam serverlist

Отправлено по SNiPY on 26 July 2018 - 10:00 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

I was going to start a new topic but decided to post here since it's basically the same request as the OP. I want to add some L4D servers, but it keeps telling me that I hae to wait 15 minutes to add more. It's been 5 hours and I still get the same message. Why is that? I want to add several servers. Each has it's own configuration. IP is l4d1.sytes.net. The ports are 27041 to 27053. Can you please add them?


Also, when I click on the left hand side to see the servers of a game, they are all blank. What happened?


Ghost fixed the blank results page. You can try to add your servers again.

If you still get the "wait for 15 mins" error again, let me know.

#98956 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 27 July 2018 - 06:49 AM в Releases

I just noticed a recent update got released for the game.

I will make the update patch probably today when i wake up.

Thanks for letting me know.

#98958 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 27 July 2018 - 11:12 PM в Releases

New update patch v14 is now available.

You will find it in the first post of this topic.

Uploaded.net download link will be available as well soon.

#98962 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 29 July 2018 - 02:13 AM в Releases

I'm running the game with the previous patch installed already so i'm asking what I have to do now ? just install the new patch ? or should I uninstall/delete anything first ?


No need to uninstall.

Just download the new v14 patch, install it and play.



#98964 Problem with adding servers (15 min wait error)

Отправлено по SNiPY on 01 August 2018 - 02:02 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

Masterserver shows no servers again. Probably it crashed.

I will let the owner know about this so he fixes it.

#98966 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 04 August 2018 - 01:01 AM в Releases

Favorite tab doesn't show all my favorite servers and ' Internet ' tab have no servers at all and this was happened before the latest patch.


I guess the RevEmu emulator is too old for the latest update of CSS. The latest release of RevEmu is from 20.01.2017. If the developer decides to release any new version, i will add it in the new patch. Otherwise there is chance i change the emulator with another one.

#98968 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 08 August 2018 - 04:42 AM в Releases

Hi, I'm sorry for my English, but I need the version 90 patch for my counter strike source server


Every patch updates the the client version which is a number.

Because if don't have any v90 patch in my HDD, i need you tell me what's that number the v90 patch updates to.

There is a chance i have the patch, but with different name. If you tell me the number i asked for, i might be able to help.

#98970 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 10 August 2018 - 10:03 AM в Releases

rev-emu_9_5_5.rar is the oldest RevEmu archive i could find. I hope i helped.

#98977 Setti SRCDS Manager

Отправлено по SNiPY on 27 August 2018 - 12:50 AM в Releases

As reported by guest user "Dankius", there seems to be an issue with the installer-updater after the recent CS:S/SteamCMD updates.


Unfortunatelly i can't find where the problem is, nor update the application, because the source code is in my laptop's HDD which no longer works. Because of that, i have been working on a new, better application which has GUI this time.
The first post of this topic has been updated.
Check it out so you download and start using the new version of the application! :)
NOTE: All of you who have been using the previous version of the application, which was running in cmd, you DON'T have to reinstall you server! Check the FAQ out in the first post of this topic for the solution!

#98979 [LOOP] Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)

Отправлено по SNiPY on 27 August 2018 - 11:50 PM в Ghetto - Unregistered users


#98980 Fake servers pls bans

Отправлено по SNiPY on 28 August 2018 - 01:41 PM в Setti CS:S servers



None of the IPs you mentioned are currently listed in our masterserver.

Maybe they were in the past and they got banned automatically.


Thanks for reporting fake IPs.

#98982 Fake servers pls bans

Отправлено по SNiPY on 01 September 2018 - 12:58 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Last days I tried to add my servers but they are not announced to clients and not listed in settis servers listing under HL1-servers - 27016 - 27017 , 27018 and 27019




First of all you should create a new topic about that.

Second of all, according to Ghost who is the owner of the masterserver and boost service, it takes up to 30 minutes for the server(s) to show in the masterserver list. So wait a bit and if your server still is not shown let me know.

#98984 Сервер не добавляет в список мастерсервера

Отправлено по SNiPY on 07 September 2018 - 05:25 PM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

This is what i get when i try to add your server in the masterserver:


Do not add redirect or fake servers. Adding redirect servers may lead to banning your servers from masterserver! Contact us on the forum if you think you need to automatically submit servers.

#98988 Problem with adding servers ( no info css old )

Отправлено по SNiPY on 23 September 2018 - 06:48 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

Are your firewall settings and port forwarding correctly set?

#98989 Setti SRCDS Manager

Отправлено по SNiPY on 23 September 2018 - 01:43 PM в Releases

Setti SRCDS Manager v1.0.1.0 has been released! The application checks for updates on startup.

From now on whenever there is a new version of the application, you will see "New version available!" at the top right corner. By clicking on that, the application will load this thread on your browser so you download the new version.


Download Setti SRCDS Manager v1.0.1.0 from the first post of this thread.

#98992 Problem with adding servers ( no info css old )

Отправлено по SNiPY on 24 September 2018 - 07:09 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

Then it must be port forwarding or firewall issue.

After your friend can join as well, then try to add your server in the masterserver again.

#99001 please add this Left 4 Dead 2 server

Отправлено по SNiPY on 24 October 2018 - 04:44 PM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

Can people connect successfully to your server?

#99006 Problem with adding servers ( no info css old )

Отправлено по SNiPY on 11 November 2018 - 08:17 AM в Ghetto - Unregistered users

I will let the owner know about this and i will post here his reply.

#99009 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 14 November 2018 - 07:06 PM в Releases

New RevEmu is released




New RevEmu is released 07.10.18 (steamclient.dll).

Please put it in a new update. :thumbsup:



Can't you connect to CS:S servers?

If you can't i will make the update patch. But if you can, i don't see any reason to do so.

#99011 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 16 November 2018 - 11:25 AM в Releases

With this new steamclient.dll I see 80-100 servers on the "Internet" tab and "Friends" in the in-game GUI menu. I am testing 2 servers and I can play on them.


And what about the old steamclient.dll? Is there any problem with it?

#99013 Counter-Strike: Source SteamPipe [Setti]

Отправлено по SNiPY on 16 November 2018 - 02:09 PM в Releases

Favorite tab doesn't show all my favorite servers and ' Internet ' tab have no servers at all and this was happened before the latest patch.
I had the same problem.


Alright then. I will make a patch which will update the steamclient.dll file.