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#70904 Maybe an unban request

Отправлено по Ohr on 23 July 2012 - 04:19 PM в Ban / unban requests

I wrote a long reply, but decided that it was futile to post it.

Reason being Perplexer's perception of the world. His views about the game are not going to change, so you noobs crying just amuse him and every "Perplexer is a retarded ignorant faggot" post ads a little bit to his self-esteem.
Perplexer is now what? 29-30 years old, I don't remember - his behavior resemble a little child.

I propose the following for you all:
Take away his power by abusing you by just not giving a fuck. Don't write threads about him, don't flame him, forget he ever existed.

This won't work obviously, but some food for thought.

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#70530 Unban - *Necro!

Отправлено по Ohr on 15 July 2012 - 07:56 PM в Ban / unban requests

Ok! Today I saw how noob he is! He is a fkn TA and TK-er! I must say that permban this idiot noob from the server! We have enough noob we dont need an other one!

He must have a dual personality for sure :D

#70527 Unban request

Отправлено по Ohr on 15 July 2012 - 07:47 PM в Ban / unban requests

He should be unbanned !

#68784 unban

Отправлено по Ohr on 16 June 2012 - 05:53 PM в Ban / unban requests

Try to play without wallhack, i speced you 4 rounds.

#68699 Setti is officially [EDIT:] lovely :)

Отправлено по Ohr on 14 June 2012 - 09:12 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Mirko ?? LOL :D

#66784 Unban request

Отправлено по Ohr on 01 May 2012 - 04:07 PM в Ban / unban requests


I've been playing a lot on the CS GO server and people know me there. I never cheat and never have before. Today (Ohr i think, if he is an admin) banned me for no reason and warning. It is really annoying that a lot of teamkillers and cheaters don't get banned on GO server, but a lot of people are for no reason. Some admins just come online and ban only to show off, ruining the game.

Please consider appointing a few admins to oversee the server. I only know bumblebee and the eKlik guy that moderate sometimes.

1.today 29.04.2012 about 21:30
2. server name :
3. Map : one of the two
4. no steam
5. my ip:
6.my nick : FxS
7.i think i was banned by Ohr
8. no reason, no warning (score of about 16-10)

Thank you in advance,

FxS i flashed you three times, and you were not flashed!!! Then i have days specing you and the other side of you is that you are a fucking wallhacker. Dont cry here but learn to play without cheats.

#66431 We need more admins at GO4CSS

Отправлено по Ohr on 21 April 2012 - 03:07 PM в Suggestions

Problem sloved,,, lets try voteban :D

#66372 We need more admins at GO4CSS

Отправлено по Ohr on 20 April 2012 - 10:34 AM в Suggestions

These last days i was playing at setti GO4CSS and many cheaters were playing there. Sometimes it was unplayable at all ! I think that would be better if more admins are online at this server. Any ideas ?

#34142 setti 3 full of wallhack cheaters

Отправлено по Ohr on 21 April 2011 - 03:33 PM в Ban / unban requests

Make demo and post it (if you didnt knew that before).

yea, i know but i was shirty..

#34120 setti 3 full of wallhack cheaters

Отправлено по Ohr on 21 April 2011 - 12:36 PM в Ban / unban requests

I was playing some minutes ago and there were so many cheaters, many cheaters playing there with wallhacks. It was unplayable. Admins must do something to prevent in some way this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#15632 Ridiculous AWP usage

Отправлено по Ohr on 31 October 2010 - 09:43 PM в Setti CS:S servers

[quote name='P.H.U.C' date='31 October 2010 - 05:04 AM' timestamp='1288487093' post='15448']
Hi guys,
In my last post , i talked about my breaks of playing CSS because i will move out for works,far away from my house. And lately i come back with a new name lowskillgun ,on Setti 3 and on Setti 1 playing with the low-performance laptop from workplace. Lol, i can't stop completely ...because i miss Setti :grin:
[quote]Unfortunately, it is a fact that many "regulars" that populate setti 1 nowadays (such as yourself) cannot hold a candle to the players above[/quote]
completely agree with you

Before, on Setti we dont need any restrictions (awp limits,anti-camping,no grenades...) because we all know how to do for a nice gameplay.

[quote]Annoying thing is that even many regular players don't understand the difference between "tactical camping" and "frag camping". Tactical camping is very clear when experienced players do that [/quote]
A nice example from the old days:


clever mind, lol freak!!!

#15244 Perplexer Wanted

Отправлено по Ohr on 30 October 2010 - 03:08 AM в Offtopic

I saw Perplexer today at setti 1. I'll get him for you, give me your address for delivery and have my 100 000 euro ready!

Lol, you forget that you saw him, the offer was when he was missed!

#14967 Perplexer Wanted

Отправлено по Ohr on 28 October 2010 - 04:59 PM в Offtopic

I can't reveal my source but I have a reason to believe that he is still alive but just not playing  :smile-thumbs-up: . He hasn't been in contact with other admins either.

Clear, he has got a girlfriend and now he is in heaven!

#14950 Perplexer Wanted

Отправлено по Ohr on 28 October 2010 - 03:45 PM в Offtopic

If you don't know, plz don't make fun of it.

Myabe you are right, who knows

#14864 Report

Отправлено по Ohr on 27 October 2010 - 08:20 PM в Ban / unban requests

I don't know this guy, but I saw the demo and I'm absolutely sure, that most of the time, he wasn't cheating at all. There were 2 strange situations... My guess: luck.


Could you explain what you meant in this sentence:

"+ in that demo he accidentaly pressed aim button and shot to one guy behind 3 walls :D"

When did he usually use WH + No Recoil? In this demo? If yes, please give me the exact ticks. If not, then show me another demo...

I don't want to attack you, boobz, I just want to be sure.



i don't want to harm you, but the write above "TOTALLY NAB"

#14815 Report

Отправлено по Ohr on 27 October 2010 - 04:02 PM в Ban / unban requests

We will see :)

You are so nab Blitz, the video is so fuckin clear, noooooob

#14745 Report

Отправлено по Ohr on 26 October 2010 - 09:59 PM в Ban / unban requests

I see no Aimbot here...

nab lol

#14744 Report

Отправлено по Ohr on 26 October 2010 - 09:58 PM в Ban / unban requests

Ohr civsa none civsa motre

Pice of shit, fuckin haters

#14668 Perplexer Wanted

Отправлено по Ohr on 26 October 2010 - 04:07 PM в Offtopic

Its been a time that Perp nab hasn't played at setti. WTF with him? Has he quit CSS for life, maybe he get a life, or a girlfriend, or his mom has broken his computer because he was online 24/7 :no: ?
Someone who has a information about him post here pls.
P.s Game was so interesting with him abusing with players!

#14654 Report

Отправлено по Ohr on 26 October 2010 - 01:09 PM в Ban / unban requests

Today i was playing at setti3 and things were normally, but saw this player Punishment "Alone" using aim. I want to report him!
Tick 34800 strange, Tick 83200 strange, Tick 87700 clear aim :angry: !!!!!!

Here is his ID's # 789 "[Punishment] - Alone" STEAM_0:0:1389876753 38:45 101 0 active

And his rank stat: http://css.setti.inf...er.php?id=34511

#14465 Video games lead to faster decisions

Отправлено по Ohr on 24 October 2010 - 09:06 PM в Offtopic

lool i like this!!

#14323 Admin Aplication

Отправлено по Ohr on 23 October 2010 - 03:59 PM в Setti CS:S servers

Hello To ALL!

I'm here to ask u, can i be admin!
I'm 19 years old and my name is Stilian!
I want to be admin in the css setti servers bucase i can make difference with one good player and cheater!
Today 23.10.10 i saw one player "MeTaL HeaD" I ask him will u stop the hack ! He was with Aim-trigger bot!
He saYs : I'm not hacker ! LOL !
I see a lot of wall hackers,no flash hacks and aimbots!
I just want it to make game fair,not with cheaters...

Name in CSS : (2y+2b)=4y+2.2y.2b+4b=4y+8by+4b

:smile: Thank You For Reading This :smile:

Cmon sucker, you were playing with wallhack? Fuckin cheater!

#14263 Report cheaters

Отправлено по Ohr on 22 October 2010 - 11:31 PM в Ban / unban requests

Some minutes ago i was playing at setti 3 and some players were using wh and aimbot. i want to report them:
# 4247 "Hingst" STEAM_0:1:5610601 25:37 68 0 active he was using aimbot, wallhack all the time.Onlly watch demo!!!
# 4257 "B)l(uK" STEAM_0:0:1347060055 18:49 95 0 active wh all the time!!!
# 4264 "Tous-Illicites" STEAM_0:0:251147545 16:44 109 0 active aimbot all the time!
# 4258 "sapsalothika :D" STEAM_0:1:35162775 18:47 113 0 active sometimes wh and low aimbot!

#14254 Mute Request

Отправлено по Ohr on 22 October 2010 - 10:17 PM в Setti CS:S servers

He hates with all of his heart...

Geez don't get your butthurtz on internet, and there is Nr1 rule on internet - "Don't feed the troll", more you will feed them more butthurtz you will get :D
If you don't know rules of internet don't connect to it :)


It seems nonsese to me!

Did you read links I posted? Read them till you understand wtf they are writing about. Otherwise you don't have right to complain. :)

i did read the links, but the part that you dont know is that this guy is so much hater!

#14252 Mute Request

Отправлено по Ohr on 22 October 2010 - 10:02 PM в Setti CS:S servers

He hates with all of his heart...

Geez don't get your butthurtz on internet, and there is Nr1 rule on internet - "Don't feed the troll", more you will feed them more butthurtz you will get :D
If you don't know rules of internet don't connect to it :)


It seems nonsese to me!