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Posted by RedBull on 09 April 2011 - 09:57 AM in Ban / unban requests

If i'm not mistaking , hes an admin ? Using cheats ?


Posted by RedBull on 13 April 2011 - 06:36 PM in Ban / unban requests

This cheater needs perm ban, he was playing with all cheats possible - speedhack, aim, wh...

Detective b00bz  :thumbup:

woow never thought he would cheat :blink:

U speak me?!? I'm never cheated!!

Then why were you busted ?

#42023 Admin Request @ Pub # 3

Posted by RedBull on 21 June 2011 - 05:08 AM in Setti CS:S servers

+1  :thumbup:

#33681 muted, then banned for 1440 minutes

Posted by RedBull on 18 April 2011 - 10:54 AM in Ban / unban requests

You still don't get it? What rights have you got on setti ? I'll tell you! none ! You have the PRIVILEGE of playing here. Do you pay for this servers ? Do you help in any way ? I'll tell you again. NO ! You're just a grain of sand on the ocean bottom. You got banned for no reason ? Bu fucking hu. Bad luck, deal with it. "Oh but i'm good player, all other players like me, all other players know me". If you get perm banned, they'll forget about you in 5 minutes. This is the freaking internet, not real life. Get a fucking grip on.

Agree with ya 100% mate.

#43744 One more Admin overstepped the rules

Posted by RedBull on 03 July 2011 - 10:06 AM in Ban / unban requests

This is damn shit. Am i the only limited admin at pub2 who doesn't cheat ?

#94217 Meeting onDust2 only like old times !

Posted by RedBull on 19 May 2014 - 06:07 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Holy shit the servers have emptied since my last visit. Playing with the old timers seems like a cool idea. Count me in!

#41980 Setti meeting 2011 in Berlin

Posted by RedBull on 20 June 2011 - 08:23 PM in Offtopic

no money for flight to Berlin :(

#36321 What is your color?

Posted by RedBull on 09 May 2011 - 12:07 PM in Offtopic

Posted ImageTake the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.


damn so many blues and blacks :(

Your my enemy  :gun:

Whats your IGN so i know who to shoot at?  8-)

Actually , i don't believe these kinds of color things and etc. :) Blues are not my enemies and some of them are very friendly (Like you :D) So its almost no true on this color s**t :)

#35928 What is your color?

Posted by RedBull on 06 May 2011 - 05:50 PM in Offtopic

Posted ImageTake the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.


damn so many blues and blacks :(

#45837 How TO and how NOT TO report a cheater in-game

Posted by RedBull on 24 July 2011 - 08:50 PM in Ban / unban requests

Well perp used it yesterday or something, so i raged and used aimbot, then i got banned..

What did he use ? Show the demo :D

#43980 Admin request in pub 2

Posted by RedBull on 05 July 2011 - 07:04 AM in Setti CS:S servers

+1 m8 :thumbsup:

#32213 Admin request in pub 2

Posted by RedBull on 09 April 2011 - 01:15 PM in Setti CS:S servers

azriii was and is the best cheater banning machine 3000 in pub 2 and pub 2 doesn't need admins :)

#32217 Admin request in pub 2

Posted by RedBull on 09 April 2011 - 01:25 PM in Setti CS:S servers

azriii was and is the best cheater banning machine 3000 in pub 2 and pub 2 doesn't need admins :)

azriii is a great admin but haka3ate is the worst admin ever. Haka3ate always threats the others, and call every single of us "bots". I suggest to send haka3ate only in pub 4, and keep azriii and GR Mavro as admins in pub 2.

The problem is that the server 4 is full of admins ( iivs , me , fofo , diegabiksis) and haka3te is normal so i think that he should be left where he is now.

#33454 Admin request in pub 2

Posted by RedBull on 17 April 2011 - 07:57 AM in Setti CS:S servers

Ok guys stop talking here , a man created a topic for an admin request and Das and Lost in dreams are talking off-topic. :D

#33812 Admin request in pub 2

Posted by RedBull on 19 April 2011 - 01:24 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Guys make him admin already and close this topic because its getting off - topic.

#32220 Admin request in pub 2

Posted by RedBull on 09 April 2011 - 01:31 PM in Setti CS:S servers

azriii was and is the best cheater banning machine 3000 in pub 2 and pub 2 doesn't need admins :)

azriii is a great admin but haka3ate is the worst admin ever. Haka3ate always threats the others, and call every single of us "bots". I suggest to send haka3ate only in pub 4, and keep azriii and GR Mavro as admins in pub 2.

The problem is that the server 4 is full of admins ( iivs , me , fofo , diegabiksis) and haka3te is normal so i think that he should be left where he is now.

how you can say tha pub 4 is full of admins??? I keep seeing players come from pub 4 to pub 2 for admins to come to their server to ban cheaters. And this is not happened 1-2 times, it is happening all the time.

Alright dieg and fofo are not very active there but iivs and me are there always and im banning about 12 cheaters a day and i admit that an admin is probably needed in night because 2 of us cant clean the server . maybe it is a good idea for and admin here ...

#30432 This admin need holidays

Posted by RedBull on 30 March 2011 - 02:50 PM in Setti CS:S servers

The word "Hello" and some others don't hurt you'r ears. I really think that you can mute the player if he just talks and never stops. Well i think they deserve the unmute.

#47599 R.I.P. Fofo

Posted by RedBull on 14 August 2011 - 04:30 PM in Offtopic

God damn ! R.I.P fofo you will never be forgotten here. I hope those people who killed him burn in hell...


Posted by RedBull on 25 July 2011 - 02:03 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

It's double unscoped kill through smoke noob. Isnt it?

i know thats a nice frag n stuff , but it's damn css. it isnt funny. Well maybe it is funny for a nolifer but not for me.


Posted by RedBull on 25 July 2011 - 01:16 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

Now that's funny :

Was that supposed to be funny ?


Posted by RedBull on 18 March 2011 - 05:14 PM in Videos, demos and other clips


#30308 Music ;)

Posted by RedBull on 28 March 2011 - 11:48 AM in Videos, demos and other clips

#47970 Music ;)

Posted by RedBull on 20 August 2011 - 10:29 AM in Videos, demos and other clips

Fuck yeah !

#36329 Music ;)

Posted by RedBull on 09 May 2011 - 12:47 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

K now lets listen to some real rock !

Lol sorry for long post but this isn't the end :D

#30357 Music ;)

Posted by RedBull on 29 March 2011 - 11:27 AM in Videos, demos and other clips

I have been in Limp and Korn concerts, holy shit what an experience  :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:  

AC/DC use to rock my socks out.

People change.

Yes it fired me up too , but i don't listen to it anymore.