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#69059 banned - unbann me

Posted by Firestarter on 21 June 2012 - 06:36 PM in Ban / unban requests

i was banned seconds before posting this thread at dust2 only server
some dude played with my name (got different ,,a,, letter in name) so there were 2 firestarters at server at same time.dude tked all time....
i was banned by gr noob (fakeDeath) i think ....
this could go to setti funny moments also :)

#60878 No-Awp Server Maps

Posted by Firestarter on 02 February 2012 - 06:36 PM in Setti CS:S servers

OK , time to dig this thread from graveyard.

I would love to play some new maps on Pub 4 , and basically i agree with shady about adding maps like prodigy , aztec , assault... also , maps like italy (altough this map is maybe awp friendly) ,or http://www.cstrike-p...60-de_alexandra  and http://www.gamebanan.../css/maps/12593 .
I guess maps changes are rare here , but i think it would be interesting to add some diversity here , just to add some breath of fresh air on pub 4.

Personally i play css for almost a year ,  mostly on this server and some maps like kismayo are almost never played (there are some more maps , but they are so rarely played i even didnt remember their name), and some maps like dust are always called noob maps (as dust is) , and lot of players frenquently (me included) rock the vote as soon as this map starts.

Please , dont be so active on this thread like it was when shady posted it :P

#63091 unban - banned by autoban?problem with client?

Posted by Firestarter on 29 February 2012 - 07:03 PM in Ban / unban requests

main server
1177 "Stalon" STEAM_0:0:233925432 02:22 61 0 active
aimbot upside down

same map and demo
suspicious shaking(maybe he just shake his mouse,but it was too similar like -aimbot)
1145 "FiЯ٤کtĄЯt٤® ™" STEAM_0:0:2139300605 13:15 83 0 active

LOL , i sometimes do that shaking like joke  , but i cant believe that someone actually taught thats aim , i just shake my hand its not like im the only one that do that.If this is reason , than unban , omg....
my warm greetings to zocky :thumbdown:

edit:I have  just watched demo , 15.round i was in spectators, and 13. round normal awp flickering .JUST watch the demo when u ban , dont thrust this idiot..Can't believe I had to defend myself because of this...... :sick:  
I would like to know which admin banned me , without watching demo....

#63089 unban - banned by autoban?problem with client?

Posted by Firestarter on 29 February 2012 - 06:40 PM in Ban / unban requests

For unban requests post this information:
1) Approximate date/time of ban -[color=#800000]today  , about 13.00 [color=#800000]or 14.00
2) Server name [color=#800000]dust2 only [color=#800000]and all other setti servers
3) Map name [color=#800000]dust2
4) SteamID  [color=#800000] STEAM_0:0:2139300605
5) IP  [color=#800000]currently   , at time of ban - unknown
6) Nick when you got banned[color=#800000] Firestarter .:STOP ACTA NOW:.
7) Admin's name who banned you  [color=#800000]idk , but i think perplexer was playing on server

[color=#800000]I played for idk , 20-30 mins on dust2only server , no problems , disconected normal , and now when i try  to connect , all the setti shortcuts on main menu for servers give me "You have been banned from this server".I have read Antharis thread below , and its similar to mine.Have servers gone crazy or?

#84805 Do the Harlem SHake

Posted by Firestarter on 22 February 2013 - 04:38 PM in Offtopic

I want to make it in real life with my friends because its funny :)


If you do , post it here :)

#85959 How to use web cam mic in css

Posted by Firestarter on 30 March 2013 - 10:45 AM in Questions

I have logitech c270 hd web cam , when i test mic in css voice options its ok , but i can't use it ingame.


help would be appreciated :)



#91333 Setti CSS servers screenshots

Posted by Firestarter on 02 September 2013 - 02:50 PM in Setti CS:S servers


#93170 CONGRATS :)

Posted by Firestarter on 24 January 2014 - 07:33 PM in Offtopic

Congrats on making setti dm server full again :)


Hopefully other servers to follow!!!



edit :

not so full now , but for a moment , when i just joined today it was more than 20 players on dm server

#85708 new spice of setti servers - GROOVESHARK

Posted by Firestarter on 25 March 2013 - 06:42 PM in Setti CS:S servers

how come you know what most of "teh ppl" do , if you never left your own room ?



#85796 new spice of setti servers - GROOVESHARK

Posted by Firestarter on 26 March 2013 - 08:04 PM in Setti CS:S servers

:facepalm:   ergh , topic ?

#85703 new spice of setti servers - GROOVESHARK

Posted by Firestarter on 25 March 2013 - 04:53 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I would like to see some new kicks on setti.


My suggestion is grooveshark add-on.


For those who don't know how it works , its a free music online streaming/radio. You just type !gs in game chat  , and choose which song , radio station , artist you would like to listen while playing css. You can make playlist , listen someone other playlists etc...





#88783 setti dust 2 server

Posted by Firestarter on 20 May 2013 - 03:32 PM in Suggestions

ok , your trolling  powers are outstanding. :clap:  now go back to your hole.


ontopic , i recently played on server with this plugin , and it speeds up game when only several players active , which is common on setti

#88731 setti dust 2 server

Posted by Firestarter on 19 May 2013 - 11:50 AM in Suggestions

i would suggest adding plugin for closing passages to bombsite b, when less then 8 players on server , so only A bombsite part of map is playable.

when more then 8 players join , passages automatically become open.


imho map is too big when only 3-4 players on server

#83729 admin abuse

Posted by Firestarter on 31 January 2013 - 03:31 PM in Setti CS:S servers

still can't beat arguments?


Posted Image


I have suggestion for you.


Quickly go  play hide and seek with a blindfold on a highway, preferably high traffic one.
Your mother will be grateful to you.

Ta ta

#83642 admin abuse

Posted by Firestarter on 27 January 2013 - 05:42 PM in Setti CS:S servers

admin with his " I'm slaying other players when i'm dead thing " strikes again

#83662 admin abuse

Posted by Firestarter on 28 January 2013 - 04:24 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Guess what: if you play as CT and if, round after round, you don't defend one of the bombsites when I am CT, you are going to have a bad time. If it is too complex a concept to understand, feel free to play on other servers.


Posted Image

Guess what: I named thread without writing which admin is abusing his rights.


grumpy sees thread where someone is complaining about admin that is slaying other players
grumpy (thinks): hm
grumpy : (coughs)
grumpy: ffs , i better answer this , cause this one must be about me
Rizzla, I disagree. Players need focus on the mission at hand.

Oh , i didn't recognised that you are his brain , and that u tell him what should  he focus on. If you want all players to be focused on mission all time , add that as rule on setti , until then , i can't see how you can justify slaying others


When CTs refuse to defend one bombsite and all go together to the other, they make the game unplayable for the one or two CTs who actually focus on the mission.


Every time i play on dd2 as ct this is happening , bunch of players go a , and guess what :  b is guarded by max 2-3 players.And vice versa.


No matter you slay other players or not....


When CTs rush to certain death because the whole T team is waiting for them with AWPs at spawn, they make the game unplayable for the one or two CTs who actually focus on the mission.


This is not COD, this is counterstrike. If someone wants to score frags, they can go play on the DM server. If they choose to play de_ maps, then they will have to figure out how to complete the mission (and maybe get a decent score in the process). Period. Rushing is absolutely not bad per se, but it becomes ridiculous when it is obvious that the other team is waiting for it, and that your rushes fail round after round after round.


Besides, consider this: when I am CT and I see my team getting raped because they wilfully ignore the aim of the game, am I having fun? No. So, what should I do? Do like perp and camp at pit? --> players will complain. Swap myself to T team? --> players will complain. Go to DM server? Nope, sorry, I am the one who wants to play de_ and I am the one on the correct server to do so. Thus my solution is to slay the shit out of the idiots in my own team, and guess what... they will complain. It is so much easier than actually try and play the game correctly.


Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


-So you are saying that main goal of game is that  lemming have fun?


-Also you say that players must be focused on completing mission.Ok.Lets put it like this.


You die , and see last two ct players away from bomb site.One has awp , other ak. You slay them.


By slaying them , did you make your team chances to win next round bigger or ... ?


So by doing this u directly affect on yours team chances to complete mission.


nice one


Posted Image

#83685 admin abuse

Posted by Firestarter on 30 January 2013 - 03:51 PM in Setti CS:S servers

In your previous post you indirectlly called me an idiot ,and now you adress me as kiddo...

nice one mousy


try to beat my post with arguments , not with kiddy insults

Posted Image


Maybe when you grow brain , and become something more than unfucked intelectuall amoeba i will bother to reply you ....


Posted Image

#78661 Bring new players to Setti servers.

Posted by Firestarter on 11 November 2012 - 01:42 PM in Questions

Almost everyday i visit SKIDROW's webpage to check if his team posted the crack for CS:GO and i also check the comments.

i do this for fm2013 :)

#90832 dm $2000

Posted by Firestarter on 05 August 2013 - 11:52 AM in Suggestions

What's that?


if u want to try it , go to this server   , when there are less then 10 players there


it is also dust2 only server


and basically , this plugin blocks passes (as the name says :) ) and it is turned on when there are less then 10 or 8 players on server


when its turned on , passes to bombsite B part of map are blocked (u cant access them , there is semi-visible wall) and only bombsite A part of map is playable , which speeds up game . And when more then 10 players join server , passes blocker automatically turns off.


Of course , number of players that turns off/on this plugin can be altered by admin


here is link for it




also link from forum




and some screens



#90361 dm $2000

Posted by Firestarter on 17 July 2013 - 07:40 PM in Suggestions

$2000 map on dm server would bring more players on setti.




you want to admit it or not , setti has only few players left that play regular , and even on dm server dust2 is just too big map for 4-5 players....(rare occasions with more players)


and $2000 can give interesting matchup even if there are only 2 players on server , also if there are more players -  more fun.



thoughts ?

#90776 dm $2000

Posted by Firestarter on 04 August 2013 - 10:24 AM in Suggestions

another suggestion , this time for dust2 server - sm blocker passes

#78567 recommend a movie

Posted by Firestarter on 10 November 2012 - 01:42 PM in Videos, demos and other clips

old topic

the intouchables

seven pounds

city of god

pulp fiction

and cause i love hoops

white man can't jump

#82883 recommend a movie

Posted by Firestarter on 11 January 2013 - 10:56 AM in Videos, demos and other clips

http://www.imdb.com/...130884/]Shutter Island[/url]

#80001 recommend a movie

Posted by Firestarter on 25 November 2012 - 11:07 AM in Videos, demos and other clips

The Grey

#71299 Ban for no reason.

Posted by Firestarter on 03 August 2012 - 07:47 PM in Ban / unban requests

you better buy a new HDD if u wanna keep playing here haha..

Posted Image
also u might try to change your story , cause u repeated yourself in last 3 threads u started Posted Image

i suggest u to buy several HDD-s if u can get discount , so u have a new one ready to kick in when u get banned next time