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#4013 CSS graphics

Posted by masterx_ on 14 February 2010 - 07:53 PM in Offtopic

I can confirm that.

#1890 de_scud_pro

Posted by masterx_ on 14 October 2009 - 04:08 PM in Gaming discussion

4)recheck "clip" brushes(masterx did u managed to go off map by boosty flash jump? :P )

Heh, well I didn't manage to do that though there is some spots where u get into by flashboost :D

ps. Nice video, specially I'd like the guy who playes at 3:30-4:40 ;)

#2811 de_scud_pro

Posted by masterx_ on 28 November 2009 - 07:32 PM in Gaming discussion

btw nab masterx there is two buttons on a switch in garage if u didnt noticed :D

Damn! Posted Image  
I need instructions for this new version..

#2035 Logitech G5

Posted by masterx_ on 19 October 2009 - 04:31 PM in Offtopic

Hahahahhaaha ;-)

Owned ya! "Caretaker" ;) We'll see I'll whore my self to #1  :mrgreen:

#2033 Logitech G5

Posted by masterx_ on 19 October 2009 - 04:15 PM in Offtopic

LMAO  :shock:

Perp is #1 with score 2100+ Posted Image  Posted Image   :lol:  :lol:

Now you are happy, whored your self up to #1? :roll:  I did the same half year ago (with 1000 points more than u got now!!!;)), but I changed and found out that it's more fun to run around like a headless chicken.  :D

No matter how "high" is your rank, I'll always PWN you.

See you in game.

Ps. Perp it's 199 - 194, I'll always be a step ahead of you.

EDIT:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Pedix n00b is playing with differ nick bc he doesn't want to lose his points!!!!!!!!!! ahhhahahaha  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  Thx perp :) it's so fun to watch how u try to do everything u can to be the #1 in some noob serv :)

#1891 Logitech G5

Posted by masterx_ on 14 October 2009 - 04:12 PM in Offtopic

Look at my skill graph at Psychostats since I got the new mouse:

:shock:   LMAO

And that's just the mouse....   ;)

It's not the mouse, it's the fucking nooby game style WHORING WTJing CAMPING

LMAO :shock:

I got to WTJ cuz I always play in the losing team

#2874 New training clip

Posted by masterx_ on 01 December 2009 - 04:08 PM in Offtopic

Hey all im need demo setti player if u have good demo of u with 3 frag or more send it me.

hah ! Watch any demo that I'm playing on 8-)

#2941 Perplexer FPS

Posted by masterx_ on 04 December 2009 - 01:41 PM in Gaming discussion

This is a public server full of noobs and I don't die for noobs anymore. The only thing that will change is the fact that I will be able to KILL YOU PROPERLY NOW. Get it already.


So, If the server is full of noobs, Why would u die then when/if u rush? And if you're able to KILL US PROPERLY NOW? :lol:

"Once a noob, always a noob."

#2896 Perplexer FPS

Posted by masterx_ on 02 December 2009 - 07:42 PM in Gaming discussion

Hahhah :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Perppy playing with his High FPS :lol: . And now there was nothing to block his so called "skill". And still what were you doing? Camping at Spawn and whoring all the time. I didn't see a single RUSH. And your stats? Even more pathetic than with your "Low"fps PC. 67 - 40.

You suck. And I owned you.

#2919 Perplexer FPS

Posted by masterx_ on 03 December 2009 - 03:51 PM in Gaming discussion

masterx what are u talking about he did rush once maybe twice but failed at "the first wall". But i have to admit (it's really hard to say but) he saved my life by reacting fast enough. In the end i had ~15hp left. Never in my setti carrer has that happened so be aware. Or not.

Lol You call that what he did rushing? He baited with hola for few times and went after him for easyfrags, that's it. Or maybe I missed something? And fast reaction, so what? He camps 15 mins and shoots one guy fastly? And that makes him a hero? :lol: :lol:

And if he's skill isn't "blocked" anymore, Why did he fail at the first wall? He should have been able to kill all those nabs very easily with her awp.

#3059 Rayraylee troublemaker

Posted by masterx_ on 12 December 2009 - 10:01 AM in Setti CS:S servers

Confirm, ban him.

EDIT: And now he is playing with Tactical's nick.

#2693 Setti funny moments

Posted by masterx_ on 21 November 2009 - 09:59 AM in Setti CS:S servers

One epic caught more  :D

evilkarma :  who can give me a server no steam with olny awp?

Skidzy_97 :  im legend killed 3 died 12

gRaPh . Anub!!S> attacked a teammate

gRaPh . Anub!!S> suicided.

Player gRaPh . Anub!!S> has been slayed for spawn attacking

[PaThetiC] Masterx :  karma!

gRaPh . Anub!!S> connected

evilkarma :  yeah!@

evilkarma :  ?

[PaThetiC] Masterx :  There u go:

evilkarma :  thnx man!

8Ball killed evilkarma with awp.

Seat Cordoba 16inch killed 8Ball with awp.

Dnone killed Skidzy_97 with ak47.

gRaPh . Anub!!S> killed Seat Cordoba 16inch with ak47.

only_eng_nick killed gRaPh . Anub!!S> with deagle.

1nFeCte-Rayraylee killed $p0Rn! with m4a1.

evilkarma left the game (Disconnect by user.)

evilkarma has joined the game