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#27276 Взломанный Steam-клиент - программа установки

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 25 February 2011 - 02:48 PM in Русский форум (Russian)

можете сменить мастер сервер с на setti.mvpro.net

Some years back it wasn't possible to define masterserver via DNS hostname. Is it possible now? Note that "setmaster add" is not the same - we are talking about masterservers.vdf.

Possible and it works fine in my version of CS 1.6.

#27384 Взломанный Steam-клиент - программа установки

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 26 February 2011 - 04:44 PM in Русский форум (Russian)

It's better to use Another option is to use css.setti.info if you want DNS hostname. It is not recommended to use setti.mvpro.net.

It`s an advice. I ask you already to create special subdomain for it. css.setti.info - worst choise. Make another domain for master server only and all will be able to use it.

#27398 Взломанный Steam-клиент - программа установки

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 26 February 2011 - 06:22 PM in Русский форум (Russian)

MvPRO Administrator, setti.mvpro.net не работает на Cracked Steam. Заменил ip:port на setti.mvpro.net:port и поставил только чтение. Сначала список пуст, а после обновления идут все серверы подряд из официального steam мастер сервера.

Попробуйте без порта. На всех версиях игры 47/48 работает без проблем.

#27443 Взломанный Steam-клиент - программа установки

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 27 February 2011 - 09:40 AM in Русский форум (Russian)

MvPRO Administrator, тоже не работает.

Очень жаль.

#23738 Взломанный Steam-клиент - программа установки

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 26 January 2011 - 02:35 PM in Русский форум (Russian)

"Из администрации steam'ov" оборжаться, пиши "Из администрации Valve"  так возможно сойдешь за умного и авось что то и продашь.

Все спам сообщения будут удалены.

Это не рынок.

#27228 Взломанный Steam-клиент - программа установки

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 25 February 2011 - 12:38 AM in Русский форум (Russian)

anti-steam, просьба:

убрать из меню установки пункт "Использовать мастер-сервер Setti по умолчанию", сделав Setti единственным мастер сервером в Cracked Steam. Valve мастер сервера напичканы фальшивыми серверами, поэтому нет смысла их использовать, ни вам, ни пользователям от этого лучше не будет. Setti же уже очищен от многочисленных фальшивых серверов и почти очищен от незначительных фейков и серверов нарушающих правила, изменяющих файлы игроков и т.п.

убрать из меню установки "Настраивать дополнительный мастер-сервер", так как CS 1.6 не всегда правильно работает с несколькими мастер серверами, намного правильнее сделать один мастер-сервер без дополнительных.

Также если хотите, чтобы мастер сервер был всегда доступен пользователям, даже после смены IP адреса мастер сервера, можете сменить мастер сервер с на setti.mvpro.net. Этот DNS будет всегда указывать на IP адрес сканера Setti. Таким образом, после будущей смены IP адреса сканера, пользователи Cracked Steam будут продолжать видеть игровые сервера. DNS всегда будет доступен, так как его доступность обеспечивается оборудованием Яндекса.

#29946 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 22 March 2011 - 06:07 PM in Servers and Masterserver

It seems that during the setti boost period, the amount of crashes on my servers skyrocket. If this is due to some kind of hack or exploit going around, can an admin or someone else help me patch up my Linux servers via PM? I've boosted with setti over two dozen times from as early as January and its been a consistent problem for me. I'm tired of having 2-3 crashes per day as its taking a toll on my community and taking the fun out of playing. Thanks in advance! :P

It`s not our business to protect your server. If you cant protect your server - do not order boost.

At first, you do not said, what game your server is.

Anyway, i am working in develop worldwide hosting like gameservers com.

#16161 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 05 November 2010 - 02:06 AM in Servers and Masterserver

How I can get on servers Special Boost ?

No one can.

#16524 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 08 November 2010 - 07:11 PM in Servers and Masterserver

I want in lithuaninan will be avaible , and i don't have friend other country.

You can't always get what you want. :mrgreen:

But they should try :popcorn:

#29950 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 22 March 2011 - 06:15 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Раньше вроде было усилие 1 сутки и 18 часов, а теперь стало на много меньше! Или я ошибаюсь ? просто я заплатил вчера и сегодня уже отключили!

Существует русскоязычная часть форума.

#31238 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 03 April 2011 - 10:13 PM in Servers and Masterserver

There is no other solution. There are technical and logical limits.

I assume you're talking about only being able to fit 200 IP's in one packet as the technical limit. Which honestly isn't anything hard to work around... As the poster above me said, why don't you just split the games up rather than having it all in one boost.

But I'm sure the 400 euro a day you guys are making isn't much incentive to try fix it.

It`s not money question.

CS is not support it. So it`s impossible.

#41814 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 19 June 2011 - 07:18 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Can you please move to the CS:S boost list :(.

Do not add CSS servers to extra boost list.

There is no other way for me to get it on the list.

Thanks k1ller.

Use your mobile phone or ask forum users to help you.

#39121 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 29 May 2011 - 07:32 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Вася, http://css.setti.info/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=new_post&f=57

#35286 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 29 April 2011 - 09:33 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Hey, I just bought boost for my server at on day of defeat source. Since i'm on a dynamic IP (which doesnt change unless i release/renew), i made a dynamic dns at no-ip.com for keaserver.servegame.com:27015  and placed that on the payment form and it accepted it. The problem: it's not showing my server as boosted or even showing it at all on the boosted list. Is this because i used the dynamic dns to submit it? if so can you please correct it to


Boost support only IP`s.

Ok, wait for Ghost.

#17092 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 14 November 2010 - 07:26 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Thts sucks cant send sms from Lithuania.. Lithuania have much moooooore servers than others countrys witchs can send sms.. :/ Guys u can make realy nice money if you finally fix it and ON !!!!!! GO GO

Much than Russia, Poland, Romania or Germany?

#27319 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 25 February 2011 - 10:15 PM in Servers and Masterserver

i know  someone  who host redirects and is  make like 3000 drops per day for 1 client  this 1 month for 20 euro
and is host like  10 000 000  redirects or more ............

you  think   my 2000  redirects  is will by to much   ?

Valve master server = root of all bad.  :mrgreen:

#24599 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 03 February 2011 - 07:21 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Hi Admin,
Is there a way you can make the boost for each game like, l4d, l4d2, CS and stuff?

Boost is working for any game.

#20923 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 29 December 2010 - 02:01 AM in Servers and Masterserver

Except PayPal there is another? (For example: webwoney)

No. Paypal and SMS are only supported.

Webmoney login link is broken now and was broken yesterday too (English version of course!). How can anyone trust such site?  :wacko:  :shock:

We should understand, that it is not easy to service thousands or users.

We can not trust it, just make possible to pay with using of it.

Except PayPal there is another? (For example: webwoney)

No. Paypal and SMS are only supported.

Webmoney login link is broken now and was broken yesterday too (English version of course!). How can anyone trust such site?  :wacko:  :shock:

Paypal it's the best and (maybe) the most secured and trusted money transfer service. Then MoneyBookers, and newer AlertPay...

True. However it seems Webmoney is popular in Russia.

True, really easy to waste Webmoney to internet and make income to it. But here`s low chances to withdraw money, we could make an exception of trust and allow boost with Webmoney.

#22992 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 20 January 2011 - 03:36 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Нет сообщение об ошибки не получил просто отправил смс и все деньги сняли а сообщение не прислали не об ошибки не об добавлении!!! С моб оператором все нормально связь с момент отправки сообщения была хорошая

Если ответ не приходит - до нас ничего не дошло.

Это абсолютно не важно.

и ещё короткий номер я писал правильно все точно 4244 FOR SETTI


#25355 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 09 February 2011 - 09:08 PM in Servers and Masterserver

Can I contact you personally, and pay for week or more?


#26015 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 15 February 2011 - 11:52 AM in Servers and Masterserver

thank you for your wonderful sistem.
i just both with 2e boost for public.stimul.ro:27015

can you please tell me when it should get booosted?


DNS boost is not supported. You must write IP`s in message or paypal.

#27316 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 25 February 2011 - 09:49 PM in Servers and Masterserver

how i said best option :
restrict  the registration until  first  server is expire
then only then  other can regist... to by for all owners 3 days bost


no ....  why not less many  !!!!
ok  then  last option for me  is redirects  dont wory i will dont add  to setti  
1 vps 10 euro 1 month  and  i can host  2000-4000 fake redirects  like 700-1500 players evry day ......

Valve masterserver have more than 100000 fake servers. Your fakes will not effect your online really.

#20366 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 23 December 2010 - 09:52 AM in Servers and Masterserver

Service will never be available for Lithuania?

What's the problem? Fortumo have Lithuania.

It have incompatible with our system, restrictions.

#16043 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 04 November 2010 - 08:52 AM in Servers and Masterserver

Unfortunately the service will not be available in Romania, Lithuania, Serbia, Croatia, Belarus and Ukraine. The regulations are too strict <_<

I think that payments such paypalcan solve this problem.

It`s only manually now. Contact anyone from other countries - send him money - they will send SMS. Or you can do it with my help. PM if you need it.

#21218 Setti Masterserver BOOST support thread

Posted by MvPRO Administrator on 02 January 2011 - 10:39 AM in Servers and Masterserver

[quote name='Denny_oZ' date='02 January 2011 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1293963626' post='21217']
[quote name='Denny_oZ' date='02 January 2011 - 09:35 AM' timestamp='1293957350' post='21211']
FOR SETTI MOSCOW-SURF.NO-IP.BIZ:27015 т.к у меня IP не постоянный использую no-ip. Номер с которого отправил смс: 89035700966
Only numerical IP addresses are supported. You cannot use no-ip DNS service. You have not been charged. Only succesful boosts are charged.
И как быть? Мне деньги могут вернуть? Или придется сделать так,  дать мне асю админа, я ему буду писать каждый раз когда IP адрес мой меняется..Т.к IP не постоянный.
Большой минус вам Setti.. Что не сделали поддержку буквенного IP.