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Videos For Cheating Regular Players

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#141 Mithrandir



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Отправлено 14 October 2011 - 12:39 PM

"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

#142 Rizla+++


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Отправлено 24 October 2011 - 08:05 AM

i am really excited by the work of boobz, great job. I am going to be away for 9 months, so i have a question i would like to get an answer to. you can recognise wh / antirecoil/ noflash-smoke etc...
What about anti-aim???? How can you tell someone is using this kind of cheat?

Also about the "smart" wallhackers, checking the oposite corner... indeed these must be hard to detect. I believe we have many "smart" wh-ers that are supposed to be proffesional. Even harder it must be to detect on/off whers. Especially in de_dust_2 (which is the only i play) it has happened a lot of times to get killed by awpers from t spawn, being a ct, as i run towards B, while jumping with a knife! Ok when it happens one time , i say its luck..
but when it is happening every couple of rounds from the same opponent.. it is making me believe the awper is wh ON at the start of the round.

To conclude, sorry if this is out of the thread content, but i didnt want to make a whole new thread just to say (temporarily) goodbye. I would mostly like an answer on whether or not you have ever banned someone for "antiaim".
And with so much cheating, is online gaming worth it? cheaters are only happy in cracked servers? if i buy the original game... in order not to see any cheaters i will have to join another, not cracked, server?

Cheers to all

#143 Marioc



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Отправлено 24 October 2011 - 11:25 AM

Especially in de_dust_2 (which is the only i play) it has happened a lot of times to get killed by awpers from t spawn, being a ct, as i run towards B, while jumping with a knife! Ok when it happens one time , i say its luck..
but when it is happening every couple of rounds from the same opponent.. it is making me believe the awper is wh ON at the start of the round.

The Awper can predict your move and shoot you through the door.

#144 Selena


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Отправлено 24 October 2011 - 12:21 PM

Especially in de_dust_2 (which is the only i play) it has happened a lot of times to get killed by awpers from t spawn, being a ct, as i run towards B, while jumping with a knife! Ok when it happens one time , i say its luck..
but when it is happening every couple of rounds from the same opponent.. it is making me believe the awper is wh ON at the start of the round.

The Awper can predict your move and shoot you through the door.

Spec them, sometimes they pre aim and pre fire.

#145 M4Andreas (GR NOOB)

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Отправлено 24 October 2011 - 01:05 PM

Especially in de_dust_2 (which is the only i play) it has happened a lot of times to get killed by awpers from t spawn, being a ct, as i run towards B, while jumping with a knife! Ok when it happens one time , i say its luck..
but when it is happening every couple of rounds from the same opponent.. it is making me believe the awper is wh ON at the start of the round.

The Awper can predict your move and shoot you through the door.

Spec them, sometimes they pre aim and pre fire.

Yeah, that's true. One nab ''boy something'' in publ3. He kill me really fast. I mean without to see the enemy in my view. After that in next round i flash him and he kill me again at the same time. I spectate him and i saw that he had clear wallhack. Everytime he start shooting through the wall. I report him 3 times in perplexer. With @ command but he didn't respond or spect him because perplexer never die.Lol
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#146 Mentiroso



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Отправлено 24 October 2011 - 07:56 PM

rizla there is no anti-aim, the closest to it are those spinning aimbots, which are impossible to hit, or the fucking laggers, but those spinning bots are usually also using aimbot so, you ban them for aimbot, no one will use that kind of anti-aim alone, cause its pretty stupid, like speedhack, you can immediatly tell he's cheating.

if you get steam, you will still see cheaters, although less of them.

#147 Milky Pie

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Отправлено 28 October 2011 - 12:23 PM

Another regularly wallhacking regular "SLO-MAN" STEAM_0:0:424874485


I never thought he would cheat.
Nice catch

#148 _OrioN



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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 12:35 AM


Although is really hard to detect a good player with a WH ... is this what I think it is or am I mistaken hugely..?
Nice sound system


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#149 SyrinXeno


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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 02:25 AM


Although is really hard to detect a good player with a WH ... is this what I think it is or am I mistaken hugely..?
Nice sound system


I guess I'll wait for responses, maybe by headadmins, before I'll explain ... and believe me, I can ;)
Btw, what skins/voices are that?

#150 Xarc


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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 02:36 AM


Although is really hard to detect a good player with a WH ... is this what I think it is or am I mistaken hugely..?
Nice sound system



you need to remake links at demos so all can see the big picture.

#151 Al1



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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 03:50 AM

Syrinxeno pwned lol
Try to explain this too
After this you make a topic I don`t hack
Nice try

#152 Zbang


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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 04:02 AM

Try to explain this too

I remember this one... I was camping there for at least 20 sec so there was no way he could hear me climbing those wooden crates.
It's time for SyrinXena to parts ways

#153 TupaC


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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 08:01 AM

The good shit is that these nabs still nabs even with wallhack, I really dont care when someone use WH, the aim is annoying.

#154 CC:)



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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 08:10 AM

Orion, good job indeed, Syrin pwned lol.
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#155 CC:)



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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 08:12 AM

The good shit is that these nabs still nabs even with wallhack, I really dont care when someone use WH, the aim is annoying.

2pac, the most annoying is that Syrin is semi-admin....nobody cares indeed. why he was playing so long time...Where were Perp's and Sculder's eyes?
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#156 IrGeNdJeMaNd-AUT


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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 10:17 AM

2:24+2:45 epic wallbang
To all of you, didnt you see that you ALWAYS have to look in each corner?
If you watch the video closely you can see that hes about to turn to the left again but then his brain realizes that there is someone and he tries to turn right again.
Furthermore, where else are you supposed to look if you know your terammate got pwned there?!

#157 Marioc



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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 11:51 AM

@IrGeNdJeMaNd-AUT , STFU !
I wont say bs like "Ye I told u about him, blah blah blah." I knew he was wallhacking. And all of you know that.
Permanent ban awaits every wallhacker. SyrinXeno, Theres nothing to explain really. Al1 has 2 "HOT" videos of you. You are exposed. Steam can by passed. Servers without zblock + cheat engine => Wallhack.

P.S: k1ller, good job, give more cheaters admin, and not to clean players.
P.SS: Zbang, can easily pwn a noob with wh. :)

#158 SyrinXeno


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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 12:34 PM

It's funny how you all instantly think it's with hacks, as soon as you see a youtube video ... it's on youtube, so it has to be true, right? But you all thought I wallhack before, so it's no surprise.
Orion please post proper demolinks, so those in charge can make up their mind.
Since you all others already made up yours, I won't bother explaining it to you but only to headadmins.

#159 Xarc


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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 01:13 PM

Orion you still didn't fixed the links ... but at least you copied the names of demos.
what I see in de_vertigo
its a flash glitch from DEX and he is the only one who throw a flash at tick 58000 so no antiflash.
he heard footsteps at 94500 after he said "we need to guard" he was the only counter on that area
I don't know him but this is my opinion.
I'm too lazy to watch the rest ... you watch and comment with ticks please.
I don't like youtube videos because they don't reflect the whole gameplay. I prefer demos from Setti.

#160 Marioc



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Отправлено 15 November 2011 - 01:21 PM

I'm too lazy to watch the rest ... you watch and comment with ticks please.
I don't like youtube videos because they don't reflect the whole gameplay. I prefer demos from Setti.

You can still watch Al1's bust videos. He prefires too much.

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