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Member Since 29 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Dec 16 2022 12:13 PM

#5101 CSS Movie Making

Posted by CC:) on 08 April 2010 - 11:18 AM

In my opinion here is the best varient of movie making from your demo. Maybe this method requires more time then using Fraps, but it deserves it. I have tested different settings with Fraps, but the quality of AVI uploaded to YOUTUBE turns out not good, i think mainly due to Fraps technology:

1. From fraps.com "If you are recording a movie with Fraps there can be a noticable impact on the game. This is due to all the extra work involved in saving the screen data to disk." My FPS was 2.5x less with Fraps running in capture mode.

2. From fraps.com "The AVI filesize is big because there isn’t enough time to encode the movie while the game is running. The movie frames are slightly compressed, but still require a large amount of disk space due to the high resolutions. Once you have finished capturing you should convert the saved AVI into one of the popular compressed movie formats such as mpeg or divx. Recommended programs for doing this are tmpgenc (Tsunami Mpeg Encoder), and VirtualDub." So when you compress Fraps AVI movies you loose your original quality, + when you upload a file to YOUTUBE, YOUTUBE convert it and compress it once again, so the quality is just so bad after 2 compressions... That is why i personaly think below method is quite better:

Especially HD CSS movies of this guy are very qualitative.

#61 IdontFcare

Posted by CC:) on 01 April 2010 - 07:44 AM

Nickname TupaC was quite more interesting, i think, and matched you for 90% definately :) True, I was thinking of you from time to time, not often, but anyways ))) I enjoy your posts. So you dropped your classes in gym in favour of CSS? This is true love indeed :)

#9 Setti website updated

Posted by CC:) on 29 March 2010 - 07:36 PM

HI! Pleasant surprise :) + i am happy we have now very needed bot - Source TV, and on all servers.