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Posted by errormyname on 17 June 2012 - 08:50 PM in Ban / unban requests

Yea, I know. I hope I´m admin soon, but k1ller isn´t reading his messages because he´s working at the new patch...


Posted by errormyname on 18 June 2012 - 05:06 PM in Ban / unban requests

Voteban option... Hmmm. It has no effect. I can recognise a cheater easily. When i say on chat <<VOTEBAN (the cheater's name) FOR WH OR AIMBOT>> some players spec him and then they vote. But the most of the players dont vote. They dont see the chat? They dont know english? They dont know about cheats and cheaters? They are noobs? I dont know whats wrong with them and they dont vote. On the other hand, when i report the cheaters on chat as i said before, the cheaters say that they dont cheat, that i am the noob, that i am the one who cheats, that i have lost my mind and things like that... Man we have serious problem with the cheaters and the voteban option is not the solution we need. In my opinion the solution we need is, some admins who will be able to spend hours there. And we need that solution as soon as possible... Please...

Yea, you are right. I said this too, days ago:

Yea, but the voteban system is only working by aim cheaters (easy to spot for all players). The other like wh won´t be banned because the guys playing there are (not all) to stupid to spot them and voteban then, so only a few votes to ban such cheaters but you don´t get as many votes as you need...

#72637 3 perm ban to do

Posted by errormyname on 04 September 2012 - 01:54 PM in Ban / unban requests

31.5.2011 dust_2 17:40 GMT+1
Deathmatch Server
# 750 "Major Tom" STEAM_0:0:750508108 08:31 55 0 active

Saw him again yesterday and now:

# 249 "S3NS4Ti0N" STEAM_0:0:750508108

wh and --> just google his steamid

pls ban now ;)

#72777 Admin REQ cs:go server (The admin rights have been taken from INV!CTUS)

Posted by errormyname on 05 September 2012 - 06:01 AM in Setti CS:S servers

Suggestion to solve the cheater problem on CSGO server: Since the ban system does not work properly, adding some few regulars as admins won't be a bad idea, but id say they only get admin privileges for csgo servers just for starters... In my opinion the regulars on CSGO server do not have enough experience with Setti community or CSS in total to be limited admins like the rest of us. Lets see how they turn out.

Yes, thats why i told silent sniper to be active in forum (learn more about setti) and play sometimes on the most skilled setti server ;)

Maybe let´s play them some hours on pub3?

#69598 Admin request

Posted by errormyname on 29 June 2012 - 08:38 PM in Offtopic

Hmm, I am admin because there are hardly any admins on cs:go --> I´m playing there
Yes, I have only 63 posts, but I´m not that long at the forum guy. Around begin of 2012...  --> But I´m active!

I don´t doubt he is skilled, but then he should say a reason in his application why he need´s admin privileges.

#69590 Admin request

Posted by errormyname on 29 June 2012 - 08:04 PM in Offtopic

Why do you want to become admin? Aren´t there enought admins on pub3?

#62819 Admin Request

Posted by errormyname on 25 February 2012 - 07:26 PM in Setti CS:S servers


#69599 Admin request

Posted by errormyname on 29 June 2012 - 08:40 PM in Offtopic

And why are you always against me Marioc?
I only asked a question, that´s not illegal, isn´t it?

#67122 Admin request

Posted by errormyname on 10 May 2012 - 03:41 PM in Setti CS:S servers


#69666 Admin request

Posted by errormyname on 30 June 2012 - 03:16 PM in Offtopic

Sry, dude if u misunderstand it. I don´t want to be the only admin. But ok, I stfu.

#72791 Admin request

Posted by errormyname on 05 September 2012 - 09:36 AM in Setti CS:S servers

I´m not sure if he´s clean:

His steam id (STEAM_0:0:1806509377) is banned on some servers because "[color=#444444]Eye Angles Violation" by SMAC. I just googled his id because he looked like wh today ...

#72474 Admin request

Posted by errormyname on 02 September 2012 - 06:36 PM in Setti CS:S servers

[color=#5A5A5A]"Member Since Today, 12:02 PM"

[color=#5A5A5A]I think your member title says it all.
[color=#5A5A5A]But maybe you can try it later again. Good luck !

#75381 Admin Request

Posted by errormyname on 13 October 2012 - 01:58 PM in Setti CS:S servers

-1  Too much talking in mic. chat, it nerves extremly (He can´t shut the hell up :P).

#75451 Admin Request - Custom Maps

Posted by errormyname on 14 October 2012 - 11:05 AM in Gaming discussion

-1 member since today/ don´t think he´s enought skilled

#68715 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 15 June 2012 - 09:54 AM in Setti CS:S servers

Hmm, he isn´t reading his messages :(

#67856 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 27 May 2012 - 11:16 PM in Setti CS:S servers

lol because I voted for Mavro? :icon_surprised:

#67825 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 27 May 2012 - 06:27 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Hey thx

if you mean giannakis there was already enought said ;)

#67818 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 27 May 2012 - 04:56 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Yea, I know I have only 27 posts yet but other admins like FakeDeath or SLO too... I promise to get more posts over the next weeks ;)
And setti needs admins on cs:go server if u don´t belive go and visit the cs:go :)

Ohh and if you vote down pls write a reason :ermm:

#67789 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 26 May 2012 - 08:26 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I want to become an admin on the setti server CS:GO. I have played cs:s for 2 years now, started playing here on setti, so I know the other regulars. I play cs:s nearly every day and so I read the setti forum every day too. I think I have had enough experience to recognize players using cheats. And I think my stats are not that bad and I'm predominantly playing on the following two servers (sometimes pub3 too):

http://css.setti.inf...ayer.php?id=574 now #1 :)
http://css.setti.inf...yer.php?id=2474 currently not so aktiv because there aren´t so many players...
http://css.setti.inf...er.php?id=20946 only #48 because started playing here = at the beginning not that good :whistling:

1. As you probably known, there are hardly any admins on both servers, but lots of cheaters... L
2. I think that the reputation of setti takes quite much damage from such incidents. So I want to help setti to make this server a bit cleaner.

Also there are much German players and I speak German (I live in Germany) so I could understand them ;)

I hope you vote for me to make this server cleaner :thumbsup:

#67964 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 29 May 2012 - 06:56 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Guys it´s really important get more admins on CS:GO server. And who is ideally suited than the #1 of the GO server? The players there said they need more admins and they said I am qualified...
So help me and the other players who don´t cheat to get a cleaner server :)

#68076 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 31 May 2012 - 02:39 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Now guys? The CS:GO is still full of fucking cheaters and mostly without admins. Only sometimes Ohr and today Al1 and Milky for a short time...

#68399 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 07 June 2012 - 07:24 PM in Setti CS:S servers

I´m back,
thanks Irgendjemand for one reply into 5 days...

But he´s right, what can go wrong? So please give me admin privileges only on cs:go server.


#68167 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 02 June 2012 - 06:46 PM in Setti CS:S servers

So guys I´m going to holidays about 5 days --> I´m not online
So please think about me this time. You said "We need admins on CS:GO server it´s a cheater wasteland" so why not the #1 of the server...

OK I´m chilling on vacation ;)

See you !


#68122 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 01 June 2012 - 03:31 PM in Setti CS:S servers

Hmm lol, I made no accounts to vote you down dude :facepalm:
I have only two setti accounts:
1. MY NAME --> but this account is not working, I can´t make posts with it. So I created my second acc:
2. errormyname --> It´s this account

Ohh and if you mean my ingame accounts:
1. MY NAME --> it´s the acc. I used over 1000 times
2. m4a1 --> why not change the name to a weapon around 10 times??
3. SVN --> why do u think I mean sven with this? used 1 time...

#68414 Admin request CS:GO

Posted by errormyname on 08 June 2012 - 10:07 AM in Setti CS:S servers

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